View Full Version : Little By Little

05-25-2013, 02:47 PM
Murphy is approaching me closer and closer, bit by bit. He now regularly lands on the back of the chair I'm occupying and on my knee, laptop screen, and IPad. He has been buzzing me for some time now and today landed on my head for the first time! He stayed there, preening my hair, for a couple of minutes. And while i still can't touch him, i can now SLOWLY move my hand to pick up someting near him without having him fly off. He and Gussie are also working things out. She usually now lets him come into her cage to play with her toys. And they often nap just a few inches apart...Gussie in her cage on her rope perch and Murphy on the outside on the sloped roof of the cage. I've tried to get a picture but Murphy takes flight at the sight of the camera.

He supposedly is a "special needs" bird who fledged improperly and his flights stick up when he is sitting But he sure doesn't have any trouble flying! He zips all over the place...the zippiest lovie I've had! And he plays with his toys more than any bird...of any kind...I've ever had. I finally feel like all the money I have spent on toys wasn't wasted. He is sooooo busy. One of the funniest things he does is to court the canary. He runs all around the top of Jack Sparrow's cage, clicking and scratching, trying to keep as close to Jack as possible. I'm not sure what Jack thinks about this but he doesn't seem to mind. I just love how lovies move. I think that is one of the things that attracts me too them...they are so ENTHUSIASTIC. I did the right thing by finding a more suitable home for Arabella. Even though she was so tame and I could give her scritches, I'm just not a 'tiel person. She deserves a home where she is fully appreciated...and from updates, I know she is being totally spoiled! I don't think Murphy will ever be the cuddle bug that was Buddy...but then, birds like Buddy are rare. But I'm now feeling like Murphy and I will become friends, sooner or later.

05-25-2013, 03:12 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Murphy is settling in so well!! That trust relationship takes time but it's well worth it in the end. :) Getting along with Gussie and Jack is a good thing, too, since Murphy is the newcomer and much find his niche in all of this.

I really think this is the best thing that could have happened to both of you and I'm just thrilled to read about Murphy!!