View Full Version : Are they confused? I am!

05-26-2013, 10:52 PM
Hi there. I gave a little hen to our admin girl who called her Archie (thinking it was a boy). Archie eventually went broody and layed an egg or two. She was taken to an avairy and introduced to some cadidates as potential mates. She selected one, Huey, and they are pretty well bonded. Anyway, eggs keep being found, sometimes up to six one each consecutive day. That made me wonder whether Huey was quite the man that he had been made out to be. Then there were reports that the two had been fighting a little. Then it was reported that Huey was in the mating position (tail up, wings out). Today I've had the report that Archie (confirmed girl) had mounted Huey (previously thought to be boy) and was mating him. That leaves two options. First, that Huey is a boy but he is acting the girl in the relationship. Second, that Huey is a girl as well, and Archie is acting the boy. Any thoughts?

05-27-2013, 12:31 AM
I don't know if it would help you at all but...

We got a pair of lovebirds that were thought to be a male-female couple. About a year later, we found about 8 eggs in their little house. Then, we kept finding more and more. I came to this site to ask around and they said it was most likely 2 females that bonded very well. This was confirmed when both girls came out of their house to shred paper and we could see little white things that looked like eggs when they pulled up their tails.
Mari, the one that we correctly assumed was the female, is very female in nature... aggressive, territorial, shreds paper perfectly. Abelina, the one we thought was male, originally named Abel, acts like the male... cannot shred paper to save her life, but bless her little heart, she tries, and is much calmer. Many times I have walked into my house, however, and have seen Mary on top of Abelina. So, they might change roles once in a while.

05-27-2013, 08:29 AM
A pair of females that get along very well can mimic a male/female pair to perfection, except they will not produce fertile eggs. Hens lay eggs every other day, so if you are finding an egg each day, you have 2 hens that are both laying. I usually don't find my male/female pairs switching positions, but then again, I don't watch them 24/7. :) I wouldn't rule out the idea.

05-28-2013, 08:27 PM
cheers, thanks