View Full Version : Introducing Lovebirds to each other.

06-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Hi All.
About 6 weeks ago while working outside a Peach Faced Lovebird landed on me and immediately allowed me to touch it, rub it and hold it. I am the only one that can handle the bird. We put out notices everywhere and even dropped flyers in post-boxes in our area there was nobody claiming the bird. We decided to keep the Lovebird and I started reading up on the breed. I realised that contrary to the myth, lovebirds can live alone as long as owners give them lots of love and attention. Now my worry is that due to my working hours and the fact that neither my wife nor kids are allowed near the bird will it get enough love.
After about two weeks the Lovebird now with a name Sweetypie started making lots of noise and would lie against the mirror as if it’s a real mate. Sweetypie loves my attention and adores my undivided attention. After a long discussion with my wife I decided to purchase another lovebird (Whiteface Violet) from our local pet store. I chose this one as I researched the Peached Faced breed and found that the Whitefaced bird is also part of the peach faced line and they would be mates and mainly cause the other birds already had mates and did not want to break up the pairs. The new bird freaks out when i put my hand in cage and bites when i hold it. Doubt that it was hand fed. I know its going to take time to tame her me.

Cause I got Whiteface to be a mate to Sweetypie I have followed all instructions by keeping the two cages close and after a week i took out Sweetypie and brought her/him near the new bird’s cage. Within seconds Sweetypie jumped onto the cage and ruffled feathers. The new bird eagerly came close but Sweetypie went straight for a fight thru the cage. I immediately separated them. Over the next three days the same thing happened. I then took them both to a neutral room and let them loose. Within minutes Whiteface came running to Sweatypie to play but all that happened whas attacking from Sweetypie. Again been doing this now for 3 days and all that has happened is Sweetypie takes slightly longer before the attack. She goes for the body and Whiteface just takes the abuse, now and then flying away and then comming straight back. As long as there is distance between the birds there is no fight. When Sweetypie is out she runs straight for me when she works out how to get off the bed.

Have i now done the wrong thing by bringing in another bird who now longs for a mate and Sweetypie who only wants me? Do I now go get a third bird for Whiteface, should i have got a green Lovebird instead of the blue one or sell Whiteface?

NB: I dont know their ages or sex. Dont know if they were hand fed either.

Please help.

06-02-2013, 03:22 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Aviary!

I think part of the problem is that a new bird (potential attention threat) has entered Sweetpie's life and she's not happy about it. Attacks are attempts to drive the new bird away. Lovebirds can make good single pets. Several of our members only have one.

For now, keep them separately. I know this was not your intent when you bought the second lovie but bottomline is that all birds don't get along, These 2 may or may not. Time will tell. In the meantime, know that squabbles can end with serious injury or death for the less dominant bird.

Do you know the sex of both birds? Two hens don't usually (usually being the operative word) so you could have 2 females. Might be worth finding out if you don't know.