View Full Version : humping!?

06-09-2013, 08:42 AM
my 7 month old hybrid is humping the ring in his cage... (we say "he", we don't know the sex)

foot isn't stuck, hops off when i go to check and then goes right back at it. he's been at it about an hour, worried he might overheat or something lol

he's tame and active, comes out to play and fly around for a couple of hours each day at least. never seen him doing this before, what's he playing at?

ring looks similar to this, but more stringy...


06-09-2013, 09:34 AM
I've seen males, and even a few females, engage in self-satisfaction. If he's 7 months old, he's now sexually mature so this is his solution to the male sex urge.....

Pips mom
06-09-2013, 11:06 AM
Pip used to do this SO much that he'd wear his feathers on the lower chest area! He had a special little ropey thing that came off a toy that I used to keep on top of the cage for him..........his hump toy! Pip is six now and still likes to hump, (Ivy's swing now!) but not as often and his feathers stay nice now! As long as he's only humping, be grateful........alot of boy lovies also regurgitate when they do this and it's gross, messy, and hard to clean! Don't worry about him humping too much........I always just let Pip do his thing and he's always been a very happy, healthy, well adjusted lil lovie!