View Full Version : Feather plucking

10-23-2005, 05:12 PM
My lovebird has been plucking the feathers on the back of her neck on and off for a couple of months. I have taken her to the vet already. They weren't sure why she was doing this. They said that she might have a crop infection so I gave her some medication given by the vet. This didn't stop her feather plucking. I'm worried because these feathers bleed sometimes when she picks at them. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Could this be a sign of stress?

10-23-2005, 06:09 PM
It's very hard to determine exactly what causes birds to pluck themselves. It can be environmental, it can be psychological and it can be physical.

Your vet has provided with an antibiotic in case it's an infection. Has the vet checked for parrasites? Is there any big changes that happened lately at home? for example, someone moved in, you moved, new kids around, spending less time at home, change in routine, etc. Is there anything new that was introduced in the house such as new cleaning products, scented candles, anything that could irritate the skin?
Again it's very hard to tell exactly what would cause it. My very first lovebird was a plucker. we never found out exactly what caused it but he lives many very happy lives with us and no feathers on his chest and neck.
You may wants to get some aloe vera to sooth the skin. You can squeeze some in a bottle and mix it with some water and spray your lovebird gently to sooth the skin. You also want to distract you bird so he/she takes its mind off plucking feathers. Little brushes that he can preen, sticks that he can chew on, new toys... but you wants to be careful too not to encourage nesting behavior if you have a hen.
make sur your bird gets a good veriety of fruits and veggies in its diet.

My vet had recommended an elizabethan collar. It did more dammage then anything else. very irritating for the bird and very encouraging to start removing feathers in other locations.

I wish you good luck with your lovebird. remember, It can still live many years even with this type of behavior. And his/ her personality is still the same. :)

10-23-2005, 06:26 PM

You will want to check with your vet and make sure what tests they have run. They should do a grams stain, culture test, and if need be, they may need to do some blood work to rule out any health problems.

If there is no health condition present, you will need to provide your lovie with some toys that deter plucking. Vegetable tanned leather strips are good, as are parrot pinatas. They also make shredders which are good. What you are looking to accomplish it to give your lovie something to chew on rather than itself.

One more thing? Does your lovie bathe? Offer her a bath with a little pure aloe vera in the water. This will soothe the skin, and help with any molting feathers.

Let us know how she is doing.