View Full Version : Little victories...

10-23-2005, 05:55 PM
Blu has always loved interacting with us verbally. she started talking very fast and whistling songs that I sing around her. She has never been a biter but never really wanted to spend time on us.
we've been taking baby steps together and it's really starting to pay off. What started as 10 minutes locked in the bathroom once a day is now up to an hour on my shoulder, many times a day, givin kisses and preening my hair. Today, I cleaned her cage. Never will she be on me when I do that. She usually is terrified of what is going on. Not today. She insisted on being on my shoulder to watch my every moves.
She will attempt to fly to Danny when he's watching tv. It's not working too good since she's clipped so she runs accross the floor and then flies up on the couch to say hello and runs back to her cage. She doesn't like being in the living room by herself and will scream until we're back.
She really is starting to enjoy the scritches. You can tell she wants it but just doesn't know how to ask.
So many changes in our relationship over the last few weeks. To those lovebirds owner who doesn't have a tame bird, Patience DOES pay off in the end. This is only the beggining for Blu and I :D

10-23-2005, 06:21 PM

Thanks for sharing your progress. I do truly believe that love, time and patience will always pay off in time. Blu is yet more proof of that :)

10-23-2005, 06:22 PM
Congrats Elle :D. Blu sounds like a sweety and I love to hear stories about her. I tell you these small steps are huge and well appreciated :D

10-23-2005, 06:50 PM

That's great! There' nothing like having your lovie share the day with you - up close and personal. Keep up the good work :D

Buy A Paper Doll
10-23-2005, 08:16 PM
Yay!!! You are absolutely right, patience is key. I'm so glad to hear that baby Blu is finally coming around. :)

10-23-2005, 09:02 PM
Way to go. I wash cage in tub and Birds come with me. LOL They fly from my back to the sink. Heaven forbid I am leaning over then they land on my Umm Bottom and I have to stay bent over til they move. :rolleyes:


10-23-2005, 09:24 PM
Way to go. I wash cage in tub and Birds come with me. LOL They fly from my back to the sink. Heaven forbid I am leaning over then they land on my Umm Bottom and I have to stay bent over til they move.

Blu used to panick if I held anything in my hands while she was on my shoulder. She couldn't even stay put while I'd poor a glass of water. Cleaning her cage today with her was a very big step ( we did dishes together before too :D ). she is most definitely comming around these days. And with Danny too. She is in awe in front of him (I am ABSOLUTELY jealous! :x )

10-24-2005, 09:47 AM
Hi Elle,
Sounds like love, kindness and patience are paying off! A trust relationship can take a very long time to build, depending on the background of the individual bird. Unlike cats/dogs, birds are simply wild animals that we have tamed and they still retain instincts that are likely to pop up at any given time. Blu is accepting you as members of her "flock" and it's a wonderful thing to hear! :)

10-24-2005, 10:48 AM
That's great news! :D

Time doesn't mean anything to lovebirds, not the way it does to us humans. We count how long it takes for these little ones to start showing signs of trust; they move in quantum leaps when the trust starts taking hold. Of course, when *they* want something there is only one measure of time: the NOW unit. :lol

10-24-2005, 12:18 PM
What a great up-date! I'm so happy for you.....congratulations! :D

10-24-2005, 02:06 PM
Elle!!!.....How wonderful!....thanks for sharing these wonderful inspirations......I love hearing about Blu.

10-24-2005, 02:49 PM
I'm so happy for you. :D It's worth all the time and patience in the end when you have a fantastic relationship with your special litle guy.