View Full Version : Lacey's Behavior

06-25-2013, 08:50 AM
Good morning,
I needed a place to vent my frustration and here seems to be the best place to do it.....

We had a major storm last friday night/saturday morning.... our whole town was without electricity for a day and a half. Lacey's schedule was off for almost 2 days. She seemed to be so angry with me yesterday... lunging etc. She didn't bite me but she tried when i was trying to give her treats. Is it normal for this type of change to effect birds? She seems to be coming around today and singing and playing more again. It's just so frustrating to me to go backwards when i thought i was doing so good with her.


06-25-2013, 09:30 AM
This is nothing that you've done wrong. Please don't take the temporary behavior personally. :)

The environmental change caused Lacey to be fearful. Parrots are very much creatures of habit and anything out of the ordinary (at least in captivity) can put them in a tailspin. The trust relationship seems to be going very well but you're bound to hit a few hiccups along the way. :D

06-25-2013, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the response linda, i was thinking that, but my anxieties got the better of me. i guess the stress of down trees and no power got to me too. She is really smart and does tend to pick up on my moods/stresses. thanks again, i feel better knowing i didn't do anything wrong :)

06-25-2013, 10:48 PM
Hi, I know my birds are very much into their routine. When I had to leave town suddenly due to a death in the family awhile ago, my husband had to be the main caregiver when in the past this had been me. When I got home boy, did those two let me have it! Nips, wouldn't talk to me, etc. They got over it when they realized they were back to their familiar routine. They sure can let their feelings be known! Lol!

Barb :)

06-26-2013, 07:34 AM
Thanks for your reply Barb. I have noticed that lacey knows my routine with her and when my hubby tries to interact with her she can get nippy with him. She was on her cage last night and he was trying to pet her... she got pretty nippy with him. I feel bad for him because i've been trying to tell him she's reacting to the routine being off. He's really not a "bird person" so I really don't think he understands patience with the nipping. He gave her a "time out" in her cage for 5 mins. I don't really think it was going to anything but i didn't want to argue with him either, lol.

I'm also starting to think that when it comes to her food and her favorite toys that's when she gets more nippy.... thinking that she is thinking we are going to take them away from her.