View Full Version : OK I give up ... what is she doing?

Buy A Paper Doll
10-23-2005, 08:14 PM
Every night at birdy bedtime, I give M&M a cozy and their pavillion. (Yes, they get BOTH and No, they are not spoiled.) Melody goes straight to the pavillion. For the next 30 minutes or so I hear her scratching around in there. I know it's not Milo; he's usually sitting in his hammock enjoying his bedtime snack.

What the heck is she doing in there?

10-23-2005, 08:25 PM
I have some hens who do this and it usually results in the tearing up of the cozie. I personally think they are trying to make their cozie a comfy nest and are trying to rearrange things to suit their needs :) .

10-23-2005, 08:35 PM
I always wondered about this too. Daisy does this every night. Sometimes she sleeps in the pavillion and sometimes she doesn't, but she scratches :roll: It's very strange.

10-23-2005, 08:57 PM

I give Bela and Lacey both a cozy, but I do it so they won't fight over who gets in one first. Yep, if I put only one in, they do a mad dash to see who can get in it first, and then all you know what breaks loose :rolleyes:

Mel may be marking her territory in the cozy also. It seems that is more of a male trait, but she might of learned it from Milo???

10-23-2005, 09:29 PM
Sam used to do that down my shirt. My impression was always that she tried to make her bed. Push asside the folds in the clothes that may be uncomfortable for her. Just like my cat kneads her bed before she lays down. Blu has a cuddle buddy. There is an area on it that is absolutely flat and that's where she cuddles. I think she has been working very hard to get it to that point because she gets very verbal when I was it and it's all fluffy again. :lol

10-23-2005, 10:53 PM
A lot of my hens do this when they go into their nestboxes. I have nesting material in the boxes and the hens are re-arranging the inside to make it comfortable. If I look inside, there's usually an area in one corner that's considerably lower than the rest of the bedding and that's where the pair sleep.