View Full Version : Really bad plucking

06-26-2013, 03:29 PM
I have been away from the forum for quite a while but have a serious problem with my male lovebird. He is half of a breeding pair and they are now almost 11 years old. He became a bit of a feather plucker a few years ago but found that it went in cycles where he would actively pluck and then stop. For the past few months he has been plucking to the point where there is blood all over the cage. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

06-26-2013, 09:35 PM
I'm sorry to hear this :( .. Which area of feathers is he plucking? .. Where is he bleeding from? .. How certain are you his mate's not the one doing the damage?

06-26-2013, 09:59 PM
Hi Michael, thanks for replying so quickly. He used to pluck his feathers under his wings but he now seems to be focused on his neck and right leg, which seems to be the area that is bleeding. I sit near the birds and see him doing this. His mate continues to preen him as she's always done but she isn't plucking at all. His behavior seems so habitual at this point. I've tried homeopathic medicine in his water but it hasn't helped.

06-27-2013, 07:01 AM
I understand its the last thing most of us want to hear, but it might not be a bad idea to have him looked at by an avian vet. Especially if your certain his mates not contributing, and there are no obvious physical causes such as irritation from a leg band, etc. .. If not something behavioral, there could very well exist some sort of simple underlying vitamin/mineral deficiency. And should that be, treating him holistically could actually be doing him more harm than good.

06-27-2013, 07:12 AM
Michael, I had the same thought about having him seen by an avian vet. He doesn't have a leg band as the bird store where he was bought must have bought him from someone who had a breeding pair. His mate is banded although she was bought from the same store. I did just notice that one of them went through an entire cuttle bone in a week so I wonder what is going on.

06-27-2013, 07:54 AM
The use of the cuttle bone could indicate a calcium deficiency and cuttle bone is a good source. You may want to try adding a bit of egg or egg food to add Vit D to the diet. Plucking could be from an irritation or there could be a skin infection present. I would definitely get this checked.

06-27-2013, 07:58 AM
Linda, thanks so much. I am going to the bird store to get some egg suplement and will give it a few days to see if there is any improvement. I haven't changed their diet over the years as they are resistant to anything new that I try and introduce to them. It's interesting that the plucking has been sporatic over the years. Sometimes he actively plucks and other times it completly stops.