View Full Version : Little Things I've Noticed Since We Got Annabel for Max

06-28-2013, 11:30 AM
We have Max and Annabel, two black-masked lovebirds. Annabel came to us a couple of weeks ago. Ever since we got them into the same cage, they have bonded. I mean , really bonded. It took them 2 days to be confortable enough to sit next to each other.

When Max was alone, he would let us pick him up, although he would immediately try to fly off our hands. Now, he runs away from us.

When I start playing Call of Duty, they both start chirping like crazy. When I turn it off, they stop. This doesn't happen when I turn on the tv to watch a show, or to play another game.

They love sitting on the big water bowl and sticking their tails inside it.

We have a small travel cage to put them in when its time to get their beaks and nails trimmed. When we leave their big cage open, they immediately dash to the top of the small cage and sit there for hours.

While I'm playing, if I immediately turn around, they stop chirping and turn around to not face me. Like if they're talking about me behind my back.

06-28-2013, 04:51 PM
probably talking about how much you suck at medal of honor they all like " dude we tell him what to do and warn him about enemys when he is playing and he doesnt listen to us!" :lol

Seriously you never know what makes them chirp could be birds in game could be the squeak of tank treads.
they are probably just getting used to you the more time you spend with them the more they will spend back :)

Also some birds are afraid of new things like earphones etc.