View Full Version : New odd behavior ... SugarBaby

07-16-2013, 08:18 PM
SugarBaby is doing something I think is a little strange for a female LoveBird. I put a small stuffed penquin on a plastic keychain in her cage a few weeks ago and she just loves it and plays with it a lot. A few days ago I noticed SugarBaby with her body attached to the fuzzy toy and rubbing her bottom on the toy and this behavior has increased significantly in the last week. Do females do this or do I need to start thinking of SugarBaby as a MALE?
She is a little sweetheart and has never bitten me and is sitting on my finger and allows me to pet her with no problem . I've never seen her stuff anything in her feathers and she does not play or shred the paper toys in her cage. And she does not whistle or talk yet. My sister's lovebird is a nestmate and is already talking and whistling and stuffs things in her feathers and bites like crazy. What do you all think? Do I have a boy?

07-16-2013, 09:40 PM
I think the only way to know for sure is to get a blood test. How old is SugarBaby?

07-17-2013, 05:08 AM
I've seen hens do the self-satisfaction thing before so it's possible that you have a hen but I would lean more to SugarBaby being a boy. Males tend to be more docile than hens, although that's not a guarantee, either. DNA or feather sexing would tell you for sure but my own personal guess would be male. :)

07-19-2013, 08:09 PM
thanks friends! SugarBaby is about six months old now and just a little sweetie. Already sitting on my shoulder and hand and just loves my other birds. When I let SugarBaby out with my cockatiel , SugarBaby wanted to feed him. SugarBaby is very smart but not at all vocal. I'm going to assume SugarBaby is a male now. lol

Pips mom
07-19-2013, 11:21 PM
Ahhh, another clue.......sugarbaby wants to feed your other bird! another sign of a male! Pip has always done this too! Looking like you may have a lil boy there! I've always thought that Pip was a boy, and from those first clues, it's never changed! Pip also did the clickey dance......I have a video somewhere, I'll have find it for you and you keep a look out for this behavior too.......they do it to their mate or whoever they're bonded to, make clicking sounds, dance around, and itch at their head! If sugarbaby does this, then you can be a little more certain that he's a boy......I don't think many females do this. Be happy if sugarbaby is a boy.......never have to worry about any egg laying or nesty moods! I'll go look up that video for you, and post it later.

07-24-2013, 09:33 PM
Pip's Mom did you find that video? I'd love to see it!