View Full Version : How they change over the years......

Pips mom
07-17-2013, 05:25 PM
I took Pip's cage outside for a good cleaning yesterday. Took everything out of the cage and then put his cage back once it dried. Pip went into the cage eventually while I was taking a break, and I watched him........he was looking all around and you could almost read his mind........."where is everything?" It was so funny! I hadn't put anything back in yet, only the dishes and one perch were in there. He watched my every move as I put things back! nosey little stinker! What I've noticed now with Pip is that he seems to enjoy his cage. He always hated his cage! You'd never catch him going back in there if he had the chance to be out! and I remember when I got him a new cage, boy did he hate that! He's just always been an "I want out" bird! he even shoved his way right out the door when I first got him and was playing around with it trying to see how it opened! and I see the stories here of other lovies who don't come out of their cage?? Not only is Pip always right there the second I open the door! but if I don't uncover their cages soon enough for him in the am, he sits at the bottom of the cage and keeps lifting the door and letting it bang down until I come uncover and let him out! It seems so funny now how much he likes his cage now. He goes in it quite a bit when out and given the choice to be out or in. He also never gives me a hard time anymore about going in his cage. Mostly he didn't do it that much before, but now it's been a long time since he's fought me about going in. I'll have to get a video of him going in his cage for me......it's the cutest thing, he knows when I want him to go in, I get this hat and all I have to do is show it to him and he'll run right over to his cage and go in. Years ago, I would have never thought I'd see Pip going in his cage while out! but I guess now it's his "cozy place". I've thought many times of getting him a new, larger cage, but yearly vet bills with him drain me and since he was always out when I'm home, and the fact that he hated when I got him a new cage before, I've always hesitated. Pip likes his cage now.......hmmm, who would have thought! They're such funny little birds!

07-18-2013, 10:27 AM
You should see Ditto in the mornings. Every morning after I uncover him he'll climb out the back of the happy hut onto his knotrageous toy, climb all over it checking it out to make sure it's ok. Then he'll climb to the back of the cage and up onto the top perch and make sure his bell is there. After he's satisfied that the bell is still there he goes to his triangle rop swing and checks the bell there.

After making sure the perches, toys and bells are all as the should be he hops to the food dish to make sure nobody stole his food (he doesn't eat yet just looks). Then he'll climb down to the water dish for a drink, back to the food dish, poop then eat! I swear his morning routine is longer than mine. :rotfl

07-24-2013, 10:58 PM
LOL so cute!