View Full Version : Jojo Steps Up!

Caitlin Bird
07-18-2013, 10:59 AM
After fostering Jojo the Moluccan Cockatoo for a month this Summer he has finally stepped up and liked it!

This Summer I wanted to train a bird for Florida Parrot Rescue. I asked my foster coordinator if they had any "difficult" birds that may be hard to adopt out or are at risk for permanent sanctuary placement, someone who needs a little rehabbing. Jojo was that bird. He is an older Moluccan Cockatoo that is somewhere in his 30's. He was described as being shy. When I went to see him and observe how he was interacted with "shy" translated into being fearful of stepping up onto hands, perches, showing fearful body language when someone walked by, and frantically flying into a person's arms if a stick was brandished at him. Not pretty.

I agreed to foster Jojo and for the first day and a half he was so frightened (http://sequentialpsittacine.blogspot.com/2013/06/jojos-first-24-hours_14.html) the only way I could walk past his cage was to lower myself to the ground, place my hands and knees on the ground and crawl past his cage! Poor guy!

Well all that is ancient history! Thanks largely to target training he no longer cowers when someone picks up a stick and I can even open his cage to put the stick in without any averse effects.

This morning Jojo and I started training as usual and then took a half hour break and then resumed. As usual I targeted him to the perch I was holding and after doing a few reps I moved the target farther back along the perch to see if he would step up. HE DID! :nyah: He got a big jackpot for that and when he was finished I targeted him off the perch, reinforced, and asked him to go back onto the perch again and he did so! We did this several more times and ended the session before he I asked him to go much farther, I wanted him to be comfortable and to end the session on a good note!

I wish I had photos! It's hard when your hands are full with a perch, target and food! Acccck! Still, progress is progress and worth celebrating!

07-18-2013, 02:14 PM
Congratulations on your success with Jojo! It's so sad when parrots are so frightened that they cower at everything. I have a Double Yellow Headed Amazon male that lives with me and Monty had been abused by men for the first 11 years of his life. He was 12 when he was given to me. He likes women but it took 6 years for him to unpack enough baggage to even let my husband near him. Jim is very laid back and Monty miraculously learned to trust him. Monty is a keeper for my home and I'm glad he's finally happier and more comfortable.

I didn't do any special work with him, just let him learn for himself that my home is just not a continuation of where he had come from.

Caitlin Bird
07-19-2013, 12:16 PM
You say 6 years to have Monty trust him even a little? Wow Linda patience must be infinite in your household! I love amazons, I really wanted to foster one of those little guys but Jojo needed my help a little more desperately. I've learned that cockatoos are cool, just not for me! I own my own cockatiel and even her dander can be a bit much. I foresee amazons in my future. :)

This morning's training went even better! When Jojo saw the perch he stepped onto it without needing to follow the target! He just ran up to it and stepped up! He did have problems when I started moving the stick but as always we'll be using baby steps to get over that! Achilles was the same way with stepping up but was WORSE as she would fall off and hurt herself in a frantic craze which is explained better in my blog (http://sequentialpsittacine.blogspot.com/2013/05/my-personal-bird-achilles.html).

After the official training sesh I open jojo's cage so he can crawl out and do some hopping on top of his cage. I sat down to check out the forum and his cage happens to be in the perfect distance for him to reach out and crawl onto the couch if he wants to. Well he scooted down his cage bars, reached out to grab the couch and started lightly chewing. I interpreted that as "I want to come on the couch" and moved his cage closer to which he happily climbed onto the couch, crawled over my body, and shoved his face into my shoulder begging for head scritches! I have photos and video as proof!

Give me a minute to upload these...

Jojo has put himself back in his cage and is currently grinding his beak in an expression of contentment, apparently too exhausted from the morning's "work". Hehe, oh I'm a happy foster mom!

Caitlin Bird
07-19-2013, 02:06 PM
So third time trying to record is the charm! The video quality is crappy but that's a webcam for you! I need to learn to carry my camera on me at all times for stuff like this!

Jojo's First Couch Cuddles! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A6lhvJo09k)

Jojo discovering another cockatoo!

Please let me touch you!


Checking out the forums!

07-19-2013, 04:30 PM
Jojo certainly looks like he's enjoying himself.:clap