View Full Version : Is Abelina depressed?

07-31-2013, 12:57 AM
We recently had to separate our "bonded" lovebirds because they were fighting.

Mari has been more or less the same attitude wise. Still trying to bite fingers that get too close to the cage and singing when we come home. >o

Abelina, however, has been really quiet, is starting to lose some feathers (although she might just be molting?), and doesn't sing back. Although, she never really sang back when we came home. I don't know, she just puffs up a bit when we get close and just stares at us. Like if trying to say,"Pick me up" But when we try to put our hand near her, she tries to bite. :very_sad: All day, she sits in the same spot in her cage. I see no change in her eating habbits. She's been eating normally. Poop seems fine. I wonder if this is just because of the sudden change of not having Mari in the cage with her? They are next to each other though...

07-31-2013, 04:36 AM
Don't know that I would say Abelina is depressed but lovebirds are social so you may want to pick her up even though she tries to bite when your hands get near her. Remember, you are going into HER cage and most hens are cage territorial. Perhaps try using a perch or dowel and see if she will step up. Out of and away from her cage should produce completely different behavior. Doesn't sound like putting them back together is an option but working with her can always produce an avian companion. :)

07-31-2013, 05:54 AM
Ive tried putting a stick near her to step up on and she just bites it. :(

08-01-2013, 08:51 AM
My mom used to tell me that "Rome wasn't built in a day." Just as your hand is an intruder into her cage, so is a stick or dowel. The only benefit is that your fingers stays intact should she decide to go after the stick. That said, with time and patience, Abelina will learn that intruding objects, including sticks and fingers, are not threats and she will eventually get used to the objects and step up on them. This will not happen overnight.

Also consider Abelina is still getting used to being in her own space. When you "divorced" your pair, was Abelina's favorite toy or perch left behind? She may just be having a tough time adjusting to her new space. I know when I got Gem his second cage for downstairs, the first two weeks he sat on one perch, that was it. He didn't move except to eat or drink. Two months later, he's just now started to play with some of his new toys in there. It was the same thing, though... eating well, poop normal, he was just quiet and not the same bird as he was in his night time cage.

Hopefully she'll work herself our of her funk. In the meantime, try making her new space as pleasant and enticing as possible. Curiosity seems to always get the better of lovebirds eventually.

08-01-2013, 09:24 AM
They never played with any toys when they were together. Just recently, after we separated them, did Mari start getting on the little swing we bought her. Abelina has not touched the one in her cage. I would let her out of her cage, but all she does is go over to Mari's and just sit on top of it.