View Full Version : My lovebird is terrified of me??

08-01-2013, 07:06 AM

Firstly I would like to apolgise for not being on here for what could be over a year and a half so hello again! :D

I have encountered a problem with my female lovebird Bobble, she is 100% tame, naughty, spends all her out of cage time on me, biting me, down my top, under the duvet biting my legs, will follow me if I leave the room etc, sits on top of my phone whilst i'm on it, will let me scritch her and mostly is insanely jealous of my male lovebird where if he sits on me or I go to him and hold or touch him (in or out of the cage) she will make sure she stops whatever she is doing to be in my face to remind me of her!

Yesterday morning all was fine, I got home from work, went to get my two out of the cage (I have owned my two for over 5 years and they have always been tame) I put my hand out and they both in turn hop on and then they go off to do what they like. I put my hand in and Bobble went beserk, and I mean she was terrified, flying all round the cage screaming her danger call to get away, flying into things and basically doing anything to get away :very_sad:

At first I thought maybe she didn't like the bright pink top I had on, I was getting changed so ended up in a grey top and she reacted exactly the same? It was quite scary! Out of the cage she avoided me, had no problems with any time I was spending with my male lovebird (which he clearly was happy about!) and would only jump on my hand once in a while if I offered it (once in the cage back to being terrified)

I went out to dinner, came back and she was a little better but this morning she wouldnt come out the cage, freaked out flying all around (as if she was a wild bird) backed off to the back of the cage every time I walked up to it (usually she jumps straight over to where my face is in the morning as she doesn't like me touching my male bird or paying him any attention!) I gave my male some scritches which I can never do with her around and she just stayed at the bottom of the cage looking at him??

What on earth do you think has caused my completely tame bird to be absolutely terrified of me?! Has anyone ever experienced this? Thank you for any comments or suggestions!

08-03-2013, 03:45 PM
As you mentioned, the bright pink top could have sparked a visual warning. Same goes for hats/hairdo's, glasses, fingernail polish, jewelry, etc. Even adding or subtracting a piece of nearby furniture can be cause for a bit of uneasiness. .. My only other thought is that it may be hormones, as in her bottom cage behavior may indicate a desire to start nesting.

08-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Thank you Michael, my flatmate Googled it quickly and it suggested nastiness, this is very different nesty behaviour to what I am used to with her though. We have put her next box in and she is building a nest and doing naughties with Sticky my male lovebird. She is still terrified of me but has episodes where its like she almost forgets and is normal! She is much less scared of my hands when the room is darkened, last night she let me out my hands round her completely without a blink, today shes terrified again! She even lands on my hand then gets scared of the hand she landed on! She is happy to have my hand over her when she is busy tearing up strips of paper.

I moved their cage round for the first time in a while about 2 days before which is always encouraged, this has never affected them before, do you think that could have been a trigger? She has landed on my pink top loads before and never been scared of it?

I quite miss her, I used to loved giving her scritches whilst she sat on my phone, she would get all sleepy and yawn and would let me put my whole hand over her! She lands on my all over as usual, just my hands scare her so much I can't pick her up or put them in the cage anymore!

08-10-2013, 10:41 PM
......... We have put her next box in and she is building a nest and doing naughties with Sticky my male lovebird.........

.........I moved their cage round for the first time in a while about 2 days before which is always encouraged, this has never affected them before, do you think that could have been a trigger? She has landed on my pink top loads before and never been scared of it?........

Sorry I missed this. .. Really, I think she's just being nesty. Why after 5 years the sudden nestyness, well, i'm not really sure. However, adding the nestbox alone will keep her in breeding mode irregardless of moving the cage or not. And being true to her form, she will do her best to protect her nesting site, even if your part of the flock. .. So given you've provided her and Sticky a nestbox, are you now anticipating expanding your flock? .........:)