View Full Version : like me or hate me?

08-04-2013, 02:14 PM
A couple weeks ago, I agreed to take in two lovebirds who's owner had died. They were very shy of anyone approaching the cage at first, immediately fleeing to the furthest corner. I have spent quite a bit of time sitting beside it talking to them and they seem much happier for the most part. In the last couple days, when I sit down beside them, they will come over to the perch closest to me. Then they take turns stretching themselves out tall, flapping their wings a couple times and "chirping" loudly; after which they will bob their heads up and down and look at me like waiting for an answer. Then they do it again. I get the impression that they are either saying "look at me, aren't I beautiful" or "get away, this is our space". Can someone please help me understand them?

08-04-2013, 03:14 PM
Kudos to you for taking these 2 lovebirds into your home! :) Just the fact that they come to the perch closest to you and try to interact with you indicates that they are interested in you. When they chirp to you, respond to them. With 2 it tends to be a bit harder but it's far from mission impossible. Keep doing what you are doing and perhaps try offering them a treat from your fingers through the bars. Most parrots are millet junkies and I'll bet you'll have them eating out of your hand, so to speak, in a very short time.

You've got the idea. Keep up the good work!

Pips mom
08-05-2013, 07:33 PM
Yes, awesome job! in two weeks they are interested in you! that's a big honor! You don't have to really worry about understanding them.......it will come in time. This is your learning time and "get to know them" time. It's a time when you all will be unsure, but rest assured that as time goes by, you'll come to understand them and they will come to understand you too. You'll be able to look at them and know just what they're thinking!!! and half that time, they'll probably be up to no good!! :omg::rotfl
They will like you just fine......they are just going through a big adjustment right now.