View Full Version : Bird's ear covered by mass

08-06-2013, 08:58 PM
So, a few months ago I noticed my lovebird's feathers on the side of his head always poked up.

I never really thought anything of it because i figured his feathers were just growing in weird and they'd eventually go back to being flat. Well, today in the shower (yes he comes in the shower :] ) i picked him up and ran my wet finger across his poofed up feathers and felt a lump. I instantly jumped out of the shower and started trying to part his feathers to see what it was. Mind you, I've pet this bird everywhere and scratch his head regularly, I don't know how I haven't felt this before. Well, turns out he had a big mass of, for lack of better terms, ear wax, covering his entire ear hole. I gently rubbed it as it was still in the hole as well as covering it, and it finally peeled out.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before?

And his ear hole looks smaller on that side, like it collapsed. I know he had a massive upper respiratory/sinus infection a few months ago, but his feathers were sticking up there before which means it had to have been there before that. His feathers are now laying flat since the lump of earwax is gone..

08-07-2013, 09:21 PM
I've looked more carefully now that his ear has had time to be without that mass, and his ear hole is closed up..

is this cause for concern?

08-08-2013, 01:11 AM
I've never experienced this myself with a lovebird, but it sounds like he might have had an ear infection that plugged up the ear hole. My suggestion would be to take him to a vet to get him unblocked and make sure there is nothing festering behind the blockage. I know if human ear infections are not dealt with, they can result in loss of hearing in extreme cases, but keep in mind I am not an expert and this might not be the result of an infection. The might vet knows best!

08-08-2013, 01:59 PM
He had an infection that was treated with antibiotics two months ago.

But his ear hole is actually closed. There's nothing in it anymore. it's just shut.

08-08-2013, 05:50 PM
It could be a fungal infection, which the antibiotics would not have taken care of. I would get him to a vet, I hope he's okay!

08-09-2013, 03:50 PM
Daiqattack10: The outer ear canal (opening) should be visible behind the ear covert feathers and as already suggested a vet should take a look to see what's going on.

08-09-2013, 06:48 PM
Yes, the ear should be visible, if I didn't know that then why would I have mentioned this one being closed...?

And he doesn't have any infections or issues, I'm aware the drainage was from MONTHS ago and hardened and stuck to his ear under his feathers where it wasn't visible. He had a bacterial infection. It was in his sinuses.

I was asking if anyone has experience with a bird with a closed ear hole. He has no problem hearing or flying so I guess he learned to compensate already. Mostly i just want to know why or if this is a common thing. He's perfectly healthy, happy, and back in his excellent body condition that he had prior to his sickness.

08-10-2013, 03:56 AM
Daiqattack10: The responsible thing to do would be to have your birds ear canal checked and possibly cleaned by a vet. I suspect that it is blocked and not actually closed. A photo' would be useful for those with experience to have a look at.

08-10-2013, 06:38 AM
........I was asking if anyone has experience with a bird with a closed ear hole. He has no problem hearing or flying so I guess he learned to compensate already. Mostly i just want to know why or if this is a common thing. He's perfectly healthy, happy, and back in his excellent body condition that he had prior to his sickness.

Whenever there is swelling in or around the ear canal its almost always the result of an infection. Why your bird still appears healthy with a closed ear canal is likely because the infection is "local" and not yet affecting the rest of his system. Depending on the nature of the infection, be it fungal or bacterial, you may notice an odor around the ear canal. .. Good thing is, these infections are easily treatable IF your vet identifies the cause and matches the proper meds to it. More difficult, is locating the reason for the infection. Could be anything from a compromised immune system, to the cause and effect of rubbing his head on something, i.e., cage bars, dirty perch, etc.

08-11-2013, 09:02 AM
Good news, his ear is now back to normal and open, I guess it just needed time since the hardened drainage had been pressing on it for a few months holding it shut. His skin looks good, no swelling, no discoloration, no odor. When it was closed the skin wasn't swollen either, it was sort of shriveled up. I'm thinking moving his head and having the skin clear of the mass allowed it to open back up to normal.

The vet I work for doesn't think he's got an infection considering the mass was there since..march? and knowing he had an infection that was already treated and he had a clean bill of health afterwords besides being underweight from the baytril side affect of appetite loss.

Ps. his infection was caused by aspen shavings, as my bird is highly sensitive to any kind of wood shavings. So even though things may be considered parrot safe, birds are individuals and have varying sensitivities.