View Full Version : 1 or 2 lovies??

08-13-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi there, not sure where to put this question but I'm in a bit of a pickle.

Mango is going on 6-7 months now..
He is my world. I study from home so hes with me about 80% of the time.
However when i go out i put him in his big cage outside and he goes crazy and gets upset that I'm leaving him there.
So i did a silly thing and bought a hand raised female of around 8 weeks.. Shes still a bub, but i thought he needed a friend.. (his outside cage is HUGE) After her quarantine and cooling off period i decided to introduce them. He bites her feet and breeder ID band (as he doesn't know what they are, coz he doesn't have one)
He is honestly so humanized he doesn't know what to do when i introduce them. He's a bit rough.
She is such a sweet girl on her own.. but I'm finding it hard to devote time to both equally.
Can mango remain a single lovie all his life with no problems? Or should i keep her and wait till she grows up and have them constantly near each other. but separate cages etc. until i can one day put them together and he can bond to her. Once he bonds to her, does that mean he will no longer be a nice, loving bird on his own?

08-16-2013, 07:50 AM
Its all good guys... 28 views. and not one person has replied to help me?
You guys are assholes.

08-16-2013, 08:27 AM
I'm sorry I've not gotten to your question. I've not been here as much as I would like, as I'm busy with a home problem. :(

A number of members here have singleton lovebirds. They are attached to their human slave and it works well. Yes. Lovebirds are very social and usually enjoy the company of a feathered companion, as well, but even I have some that don't want to live with anyone else. Some lovebirds find compantionship with birds other than their own species and if it works for them, that's a good solution, as well.

Perhaps try letting their cages be side by side until she gets a bit older. Males are usually OK with younger females but since you don't know the gender of your lovebird, you could also have a very gentle hen. I, myself, have a few of those.

Even if he forms a companionship with this new lovie, he will always still want to socialize with you as long as you give him attention. :)

08-16-2013, 07:05 PM
I just wanted to say, please don't be so harsh to judge people who looked at the thread and didn't respond. Many people, like yourself, don't know the answers to everyone question that gets posted and often, they are looking for those answers themselves. We all have lives outside of the forum with jobs and families, and can't always answer right away. Be patient and you will get the information you seek; Personally, I would rather wait and get good advice, than have someone with no experience lead me in the wrong direction. Linda is one of the most knowledgeable members in the flock here, so you can be sure you have good advice, even if you had to wait a couple of days.