View Full Version : Abelina Flew Out The Window...

08-25-2013, 10:30 AM
My dad lets them out of their cages every morning. Well, like always, he leaves the door to the upstairs part of the house open. And today, the window that has the torn screen was open also. Abelina flies upstairs, and out the window as my mom is trying to close it. We have spent 30 minutes trying to find her, including putting the other birds in their cages and bringing them outside to call out to her. We can hear her faintly calling back, but she won't show herself. We have put her cage outside open so that in case she decides to come back, she'll go in. I highly doubt it though, since she has always been the least brightest of the bunch...

Update: She came back!

08-25-2013, 01:42 PM
Please keep trying. Eventually Abelina will get hungry, and might just find her way back. Perhaps post signs. Let your neighbors know. Even the neighborhood kids could be of help. .. Prayers that somehow Abelina will soon find her way home.

08-25-2013, 09:02 PM
We have her cage outside with the nest box she loves so much. It's been out all day. There was hope when she came to sit on the cables outside our hose and was talking to Mari and our other birds. We were hoping she would swoop into her cage like she always did when she was inside. Then, all of a sudden, she took off flying and we lost sight of her. As far as we know, she's not nearby anymore because we haven't heard her call back to Mari. Poor Mari, she's been going crazy all day trying to find Abelina.

We doubt we'll find her. We found hope when we were going around the neighborhood and heard her talking to some birds inside a house, Unfortunately, the people living there weren't there at the moment, so we had to go back and tell them what happened and to please keep a look out. I am so worried right now. We will be going tomorrow to get the other birds' wings clipped ASAP. We have told my dad countless times to not let them out of their cages. But he still does it. AND he is always the one leaving the door to the upstairs open and we're always telling him to close it. My mother is blaming him now and has sworn to never let another pet inside the house. She sees how upset we are right now and she is also.

I am praying that if she doesn't come back, that she will somehow find her way to someone's house and they will give her a nice home.

08-26-2013, 03:13 PM
She came back! I was upstairs playing xbox when I heard her replying to Mari's calls. I told my brothers and we went outside. Sure enough, she was on the telephone cables calling out. :happy: We took Mari outside with her cage and Abelina flew right to her. We got her inside and have now gotten her wings clipped. We are so happy. My grandmother got down on her knees and thanked God.

08-26-2013, 03:21 PM
Aww! I'm so glad. Abelina knows where her family's at. :)

08-26-2013, 03:26 PM
She does know! She didn't even let my brother take her food and water out of the cage and set it down. :rotfl She flew right to his hand and started drinking like that.

08-26-2013, 05:40 PM
She came back! I was upstairs playing xbox when I heard her replying to Mari's calls. I told my brothers and we went outside. Sure enough, she was on the telephone cables calling out. :happy: We took Mari outside with her cage and Abelina flew right to her. We got her inside and have now gotten her wings clipped. We are so happy. My grandmother got down on her knees and thanked God.

Your grandmother was not alone. ............ :)

08-26-2013, 06:09 PM
I fully believe in the power of prayer! I'm so glad that Abelina is home and safe. Make no mistake about it. The outside world is a scary place when nothing is familiar!!!!!

08-26-2013, 10:56 PM
I was also praying, although silently since I am not the religious type and I know that if my grandmother knew, she would try to get me to go to her church.

I am thanking God right now and praying this doesn't happen again either with her or the other birds.

08-27-2013, 01:55 AM
So glad you have your birdy back! I just love happy endings!

Barb :)

08-27-2013, 09:35 AM
Thanks y'all!

Today, she seems really quiet. More quiet than usual. I think it's because of her little adventure plus having her wings clipped (never got either Abelina or Mari their wings clipped before). Sometimes she's puffed up perched up with one leg, other times she's just sitting contemplating or something while the other birds talk up a storm, and once in a while will chime in.

08-27-2013, 10:11 AM
You might want to think about taking her in to see your avian vet in the next couple of days. She's been outside and there's no telling what she may have come in contact with. Let your vet know what happened and ask for his advice.

I lost an imported male CAG because he let himself out of his flight cage through a food door in his cage and he frolicked around with the wild birds for only 24 hrs. He must have picked up an infection that no one noticed and we found him dead in his nest box 2 weeks later.

08-28-2013, 04:07 PM
akp124: I'm so pleased Abelina decided to return home after the adventure. As already mentioned, getting Abelina checked over might be worthwhile.

10-02-2013, 09:23 PM
So far so good with Abelina being back. I guess she was just tired. She's back to her old self. :D

10-03-2013, 05:24 AM
So far so good with Abelina being back. I guess she was just tired. She's back to her old self. :D
Thank you for the great update! You can believe she's happy to be home again where she's safe!