View Full Version : Ditto and his carrots.

09-03-2013, 07:03 PM
Sometimes Ditto decides not to eat the carrots but just chew the juice out of them. I give him shredded carrots (the only way he'll eat them, anything other than shredded is evil and must be screamed at and tossed) and he'll chew on them until they're like little orange rubber bands. Today is one of those days. Maybe I should just buy him carrot juice and save him the trouble. Then again where's the fun in that! :rotfl

09-03-2013, 07:32 PM
Shredded carrots are a favorite with my flock, too! Some devour every morsel while others, like Ditto, only want the juice. Sonny, my CAG, adores Okra and I find only the fiber threads left on the bottom of his cage when he's done.

09-03-2013, 07:51 PM
It depends on his mood. Sometimes he just eats the juice, other times he just tears them to pieces and throws the bits down and other times he eats them.

Of course if I take them to the couch and put them in my hand he'll eat them. I could probably put rocks in my hand and he'd eat them. :rotfl

09-04-2013, 04:49 AM
It depends on his mood. Sometimes he just eats the juice, other times he just tears them to pieces and throws the bits down and other times he eats them.

Of course if I take them to the couch and put them in my hand he'll eat them. I could probably put rocks in my hand and he'd eat them. :rotfl

Lol he'd have to have a pretty strong beak for a those rocks! Lacey' s beak surprises me how strong they are :)

09-04-2013, 02:23 PM
hrmm i should change my name to carrot as my flock seems to think i am the one to chew the juice out of!