View Full Version : new flight feathers coming in....

09-10-2013, 10:45 AM
and lacey is just starting to figure out she can fly! She is building her confidence when i want to to fly to me... she flys very short distances to me. Today she really surprised me and was flying low but long distances. I was in another room and she flew off her playstand to the floor like she normally does. I called her from another room and she came to me flew then flew back to the previous room and back to me again. I didn't know she had so much strength in her!! I am going back and forth with the pros and cons of keeping her flighted or clipping. It's driving me NUTS trying to decided.:shrug:


09-10-2013, 01:37 PM
Flight feather clipping is a very personal choice and it should be done in the interests of safety for the bird/birds concerned. Most of mine are fully flighted (all door leading outside go to screened in areas first) but I do have a few that will get into mischief if those flights allow them access to forbidden places.

If you feel comfortable allowing her to fly, then follow your gut feeling. My one suggestion is to try to teach her to come to you on command. This comes in handy in emergency situations so that you are not chasing an elusive parrot! My larger parrots will not fly to me on command but they will go in their cages when I tell them to do so. That's the next best thing.

09-10-2013, 02:54 PM

That is exactly what i'm working on now. I wasn't even sure she knew her name, lol. I say it alot but she don't seem to look at me every time i say it. Today she came to me when i was calling her from another room but not sure if she was just following the dog or actually coming to ME. I will continue to call her and praise her when she does come to me.

Thanks for the tips on to clip or not to clip :)

09-18-2013, 10:39 AM
Lacey is now pretty comfortable with her flying... most of her flight feathers are in. She is really a velcro birdie now! I move from one room to another and she follows me. The saying be careful what you wish for is now what i'm thinking. lol. She wants to be on me so much that her toys aren't all that fun anymore. Is this a stage or are toys just boring right now. i put her with her toys/playstand and she don't stay there long especially if i leave the room for more then a couple minutes.

09-18-2013, 11:04 AM
The saying be careful what you wish for is now what i'm thinking.
Somewhere, in one of these threads, I believe I mentioned something about velcro birdies....... :)

Lovebirds are very social and love hanging out with their "slaves"! This can be true even if there's a birdie companion around. Toys are fun for short periods of time but you are the center of her world, so need I say more? You may find her becoming a bit more independent at times but enjoy her. I can tell you from first hand experience, I had a young Tiel that would follow me anywhere I went and I sometimes found it bothersome. However, when she passed away, I sorely missed what I no longer had.

09-18-2013, 11:22 AM
yes linda i do remember something being said about a velcro birdie back when i first got lacey lol. I'm not saying i don't enjoy it, because i really do!, but when i'm trying to get a meal on i don't want her on/near me because i don't want her getting hurt. I end up putting her in her cage (if my hubby is at work) and i do feel guilty. I know it's the right thing to do but i still feel bad :(

09-18-2013, 01:06 PM
Safety is always the first and top concern and I completely agree when you say that it's not safe for Lacey in the kitchen when you are cooking! While she may not be happy about it, unhappy is a much better option than injured or no longer breathing. Callie, my Dilute Blue female Parrotlet, wants nothing more than to be velcroed to my person when she's out and she's fearless.....tiny parrotlet that thinks she's the size of a Hyacinth Macaw! Being overly protective, I have Callie in her cage when I'm cooking or when my larger parrots are out and about. If I want to have Callie out at the same time, I take her elsewhere to ensure her safety.

09-18-2013, 04:52 PM
Could be worse. Ditto has gone beyond Velcro and has glued himself to me! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

He's been that way for 10 years now so I don't think it's just a stage!:rotfl

He will go play on his gym for awhile but not for long, and if I leave the room.... There's a little yellow flash chasing me down!:happy:

09-18-2013, 05:05 PM
Hmmmm.... wow, I won't be complaining of a velcro bird. Totally glued I wouldn't get a dang thing done lol

09-18-2013, 05:06 PM
Hmmmm.... wow, I won't be complaining of a velcro bird. Totally glued I wouldn't get a dang thing done lol

Fortunately he goes back in his cage easily, he likes it in there too so it's not too bad. Just don't try to type with a lovie taking a nap on your thumb. They don't like that.