View Full Version : My little weatheman is living up to his name....

09-17-2013, 05:08 PM
Ditto's career as a weatherman is doing quite well.

When it's hot and humid outside (even though it's airconditioned in here) he wastes a lot of food. He leaves behind a bunch of crumbs from his nutriberries and avicakes. For the last 5 days it's been getting cooler and less humid and the amount of waste has been reducing at the same rate as the humidity. Well today I got home and looked in his food dish and was shocked! Rather than no avi-cakes and only 6 or so berries left it looked full! :omg:

Did he not eat? Is he sick? Well he looks fine, hyper and chirpy. Ok, out comes the food dish (birdy on my shoulder) and lets have a look. Ok, 1 full avicake left, enough nutriberries to cover the bottom of the bowl (it's a big bowl, 3 inches round, big enough for him to sleep in if there's no food in it). that's good it was full when I left at 6am.

And there were hardly any crumbs, so he ate as much as normal and wasted almost none, why's that? Oh yeah, it never got warmer than 65 today and more importantly the dew point was all the way down in the mid 30's.

Who needs the weatherman, all I have to do is look in Ditto's food dish to see what it's like outside. :rofl:

09-17-2013, 05:34 PM
i see a youtube star in the makeing!

09-17-2013, 07:15 PM
Ditto is quite the character, that's for sure! Most birds will tolerate cooler temperatures but they need more food in order to do it.

09-17-2013, 07:19 PM
Ditto is quite the character, that's for sure! Most birds will tolerate cooler temperatures but they need more food in order to do it.

Ditto loves cooler temperatures. He's happy beteen 64 and 74 degrees. Warmer than 74 and he starts getting unhappy. And when it's humid, he's miserable. He'd hate living in Florida. Get the dewpoints up in the upper 60's or 70's and he's miserable and wastes food like mad.

Of course let the temperature drop below 70 and he goes through at least as much food as when it's hot and humid, only then it actually goes in him! :rotfl

09-18-2013, 05:13 AM
I've been noticing lacey's eating habits are changing, and now I'm wondering if the weather has to do with it. Or it's its the fact that she figured out she has wings and knows what to do with them.....she to busy being a velcro bird. Question......how cool of a temp are lovies comfortable in? I live in mn and fall and winter are around e corner. My hubby likes to keep it cooler at night and I'm worried lacey will get to cold.

09-18-2013, 06:54 AM
I've been noticing lacey's eating habits are changing, and now I'm wondering if the weather has to do with it. Or it's its the fact that she figured out she has wings and knows what to do with them.....she to busy being a velcro bird. Question......how cool of a temp are lovies comfortable in? I live in mn and fall and winter are around e corner. My hubby likes to keep it cooler at night and I'm worried lacey will get to cold.

Unless it's really cold outside I turn my heat down to 62-64 at night in the winter time. Ditto does just fine. During the day I keep the temperature between 68 and 72. He eats alot but he's been fine for 10 years that way.

09-18-2013, 07:18 AM
thanks for the fast response Dave :). Hubby puts temp down to around 68 at night but during the day it's set around 74 (during winter months). Of course it usually warms up in here when i'm baking and around the holidays when i'm making bigger meals with the kids coming over. Then it sometimes gets up around 78 or so.

10-03-2013, 04:38 PM
The little weatherman is at it again. The temperature went back up into the 80's and it's humid again so there were more crumbs in the bowl today. :rotfl

10-04-2013, 05:45 PM
Ditto sure has a crumby way of predicting the weather. ......:roll:

10-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Or at least reporting what it's like now. Today the humidity was way up and so were the crumbs. The avi-cakes get soggy first so they get wasted first. He doesn't like damp food.:rotfl

10-21-2013, 05:09 PM
Yep, summer is over. It's been chilly the last few days (daytime highs in the upper 50's and last night it got down into the 30's) and Ditto is not wasting a thing. I almost thought he wasn't eating anything since there were no crumbs but all of the avi-cakes are gone and at least 8 or 9 nutriberries gone through and afternoon. It's nice only having to fill his bowl once a day and still having whole bits left over. At the rate he's going now a bag of nutriberries will last 2 weeks instead of one!:happy:

Of course now that I've got plenty of them he's switched to avi-cakes again.:evil: