View Full Version : Question about certain clicking and a bonus video!

10-02-2013, 09:32 PM
So, this started a couple of weeks ago. Mari, the bird with the white/yellow beak will click at me when I make kissy noises. I don't know if its affection or if she thinks I want to fight her, but my mom thinks it's cute. I would like to know if anyone has any idea of what she's doing? The video is me doing the kissy noises and her clicking back. The second video is one I got while they were occupied with their apple. I have never seen them eat a fruit or vegetable in chunks like that!



10-03-2013, 06:59 AM
I didn't hear or see any defensive or offensive behavior. But cuteness? Yes! ......:)

10-03-2013, 01:14 PM
I didn't hear or see any defensive or offensive behavior. But cuteness? Yes! ......:)
I agree 100%! Those are happy sounds. :) They are talking to you as they would communicate with another flock member. Cute.....absolutely.

10-03-2013, 09:34 PM
Ah ok! She's the only one out of the 4 that does that. And only to me and my mom, but it's mostly to me. :D