View Full Version : Almost had heart failure!

10-04-2013, 12:49 PM
i am posting this because yesterday lacey got very close to an open door and my heart almost stopped. my hubby said i now need to clip her wings. i know this was a close call and there is no other way for her to be out of her cage and have her safe from an open door. i live in an apt/townhome and we don't have many rooms to our home.

i know the answer is to clip her wings, i know this in my gut. how tramatic will it be for her after i do it? she's only been flighted for a few weeks but it's now getting colder here and snow is around the corner. i can't let her get outside for obvious reasons. i guess i just need some support saying that i'm doing the right thing. :(

10-04-2013, 02:06 PM
I hear what you are saying about flight feather clipping!! Outdoors is a scary place and not where she needs to be.

Rule #1 is safety first. Being flighted may be a wonderful thing but it can also be life threatening for captively housed pets. Clipping her flights is the obvious action but there may be other workable options, as well. Do you own the place where you live? If so, could you add a screen door as an extra layer of protection? All exits from my home lead to a screened in area and it's comforting to know I have that "safety net."

Another option is a modified form of flight recall. Birds can be trained to come to you on command and I know there are videos of it on the Internet. What I don't agree with is practicing outside but you may be able to get it workable inside.

There's an article around here somewhere on flight feather clipping and it's a different point of view. I need to see if I can find it so I can share the link.

10-04-2013, 02:24 PM
thanks for your response linda. no we don't own the place. it's an apt but in the form of a town home. it has a main floor and an upstairs, no basement. we are not allowed to hang anything on the outside of the building but i guess i could ask about some kind of screen. i'm pretty sure an actual screen door will be a no go. i am teaching the flight recall and i'd say she comes to me 60% of the time. our doors open to the outside, no hallways to go out first. i have been having dreams about her flying and yesterday almost made my heart stop!

10-04-2013, 05:32 PM
..... Rule #1 is safety first. ......

No if ands or feather butts about it. Safety comes first. .. I live in a two story apartment building in a ground floor unit. All main entry ways lead to a main hallway with two separate doorways leading out. Still, I keep my main door locked at all times, and allow absolutely no entries through my patio screen doors (which have large verticle levelors blocking them as well). .. From experience I know lovebirds can quickly chew through both polyester and metal screen. They can also navigate through a two inch door opening almost at the speed of light :omg:. .. As for doing the right thing. Which would be more traumatic? Starving to death, freezing to death, being eaten by prey? Or trimming a few flight feathers? (which will always grow back).

10-04-2013, 06:02 PM
Thanks for your reply michael. I know of the type of building you are in. We have 2 doors, the front door and the back door, pretty much exacly opposite from each other. I do have both doors locked most of the day as kids around here get confused where they belong and a I don't want them just walking in ( its happened more then once). And yes she will be clipped this weekend!!

10-04-2013, 07:42 PM
I think that's the safest thing to do. Keep in mind that you will need to clip anywhere from 5-7 flights to get to the level you need Lacey to be at. Birds fly much better outside because of air current uplift. You will have to keep a close eye on those flights.

10-05-2013, 12:21 PM
It would be better to clip. We had our lovebird fly out our 2nd story window because my dad hasnt bothered to fix the broken screen. She came back the next day, mostly because her partner in crime called out to her all night. No one was able to sleep well that night. We cried when she came back and immediately took her and the rest of our birds to get their wings clipped.

10-07-2013, 07:33 AM
No if ands or feather butts about it. Safety comes first. .. I live in a two story apartment building in a ground floor unit. All main entry ways lead to a main hallway with two separate doorways leading out. Still, I keep my main door locked at all times, and allow absolutely no entries through my patio screen doors (which have large verticle levelors blocking them as well). .. From experience I know lovebirds can quickly chew through both polyester and metal screen. They can also navigate through a two inch door opening almost at the speed of light :omg:. .. As for doing the right thing. Which would be more traumatic? Starving to death, freezing to death, being eaten by prey? Or trimming a few flight feathers? (which will always grow back).

I totally agree!, safety first. We did clip Lacey over the weekend and now she's a bit confused, but is eating/drinking normally and just as much a velcro birdie as ever, lol. My question is this.... how long does it take these flights to come in again and do i wait til they are all in to clip again or clip when it's safe (no blood feathers)?

10-07-2013, 08:09 AM
how long does it take these flights to come in again and do i wait til they are all in to clip again or clip when it's safe (no blood feathers)?
Parrots lose feathers all the time and those are replaced by new ones. Yes, a molt replaces a lot but not all. When she's getting a new flight feather, you will see (or should see) the old clipped one on the bottom of the cage, floor or where ever it happened to land when it fell out. It can take two months, three or more. It's usually between 2-3. I usually clip the new feathers once they are completely grown in. While she can't fly well inside, you would be amazed at flight power just 2 unclipped feathers can give in the great outdoors!

Give Lacey a couple of days and she will adapt. Safety first...............