View Full Version : partner for previously solo bird?

10-09-2013, 07:51 AM
hi folks, my little dude has been a solo bird since 8 weeks, he's now 11 months old (ish)

anyway, i've always handled him daily, and he was in my kitchen before where my grandmother used to give him bits of fruit and talk to him, he also had a couple of young pups in there that he seemed entertained by.

anyway, we moved in june, and it's just me and the mrs now. he's in the lounge/kitchen so whenever anyone's home we're with him and he's quite often out climbing our coconut palm and clambering over us. but he is alone during the days now where he wasn't before, he seems unchanged and happy, but i wondered if he'd accept a buddy now or is it too late? i read they are highly territorial and might kill a newcomer. he's a hybrid too, if that makes a difference to behaviour.

pic for some colour :D
(8months old in pic)

10-09-2013, 10:03 AM
How he would react to a lovie companion is a hard call to make. Most of mine have companions but I have some that prefer to be singletons. If he's not normally aggressive, he may be OK with another bird. What you can do is look for a male (even though yours is a hybrid), as males tend to be a bit more easy going, although that's not 100% true in all cases. Put cages side by side, after quarantine, of course, and let them get to know each other. You may find it works and then yours will have company during the day, as well as interacting with you when you come home. As long as he gets attention from you, you will not be left out of the flock equation. :)

10-09-2013, 10:39 AM
it'll probably come to nothing, he seems quite contented bashing his swings about, chewing his wood up, clicking and beak grinding to himself.

i've also been looking at larger cages, his is quite large anyway i think but he's definitely grown into it. i like the big sturdy parrot cages, and they are often to be had for little money, but what about the bar spacing? current cage has 1.2cm spacing and there's nooooo way he'd get through that. but obviously larger cages for larger birds have larger gaps.. what's likely to be ok?

10-09-2013, 01:10 PM
It's amazing how birds will adjust to changes in schedules, isn't it! Keep him occupied and he's still a happy camper. :)

For lovebirds, bar spacing needs to be 5/8" (1.6002 cm) or 1/2" (1.27 cm). Anything larger and you run the risk of them squeezing through the bars and getting into lots of mischief that you probably prefer they not get into! :lol

10-10-2013, 07:20 AM
seems there is a fair choice out there with 1cm spacing.. so hopefully new cage soon. give him some more width.. he likes to climb about in this one, but would be good if there was more lateral space for flying too

this is his current house... he looked so tiny in there when i first got him!


he only does that pecking and pacing thing when he thinks i'm going to let him out.. that and he likes to jump and perch on the top of my phone when i try to get a photo the bugger!




he's stopped humping the ring too for the last few months