View Full Version : An Update

10-14-2013, 10:54 AM
First of all, I need to say I'm sorry I've not been here as much as I normally am. My husband has been very sick since the beginning of February and it's been a long, hard road to recovery. I know I've mentioned this sporadically in various messages but I decided it's time to let everyone know what's going on.

Jim was admitted to the VA Hospital in February for what should have been a very easy 5 toe amputation, as he's diabetic and this is very common. What's not common is his affinity for things to get complicated and this procedure has been up, down and all over the place. He finally has a tentative discharge date of 10/21/13 and I'm praying that he continues to maintain his medical status, if not improve it. I've been offline trying to make arrangements and get necessary training (much harder than anything I've ever done with parrots!!!), as I'm the main caregiver. I try to slip in here during work hrs or when I check the site from my cell phone in the evening but other than those times, I'm so tired that sleep doesn't come very hard........

Hopefully, once he's home, I will have more time to devote here. ~crosses fingers~

10-14-2013, 02:32 PM
So sorry to hear about your husband Linda, but also happy he will be home with you after so many months! My prayers go out to both of you for strength to overcome the obstacles that you may have in the future. :pray:

10-14-2013, 03:42 PM
you do what you have to do, we are here to pick up any slack, wishing your hubby a fast recovery!