View Full Version : in "monster" mode!

Pips mom
11-05-2013, 11:27 AM
Ughhh, Pip! He's a lovie bein a lovie today! He's intent on sitting on my lamp, and of course, there's bird poop on it! but also I'm trying to talk on the phone and he won't stop going to the lamp, landing on it, screeching while on it, so I said, ok, I'll just put some newspaper on top like I used to do to keep him off it, so I put the newspaper on the top of the lamp shade........in the past this worked to keep him from perching on the edge of the lamp shade.......but not today! Today he landed on it and started chewing it up!!!! :roll: My lil monster! being his mischeivous self! Back to the drawing board trying to come up with creative ways of keeping him off my lamp!!:roll:

11-05-2013, 11:41 AM
Gotta luv 'em!!!!!! The things we go through as members of the flock...... :D Be thankful he's not macaw size.

How about a towel instead of paper? Or is there something else that he might find more interesting that is acceptable for his mischief? Ginger and Harley (my grey team) get it in their minds that I don't mind if they visit parts of the house where I don't want them. Sometimes cage time works. Other times, they get mini wing clips. How do you stay mad at a parrot when you say no and he makes kissing sounds from the off limits location????? :confused:

11-05-2013, 02:44 PM
Amen linda! my tiel will do something on purpose knowing it is wrong then when i say no or try to scold him he blows me kisses and goes "i love you! daddy loves me!" well darn ok fine have your way then pohaku lol

11-05-2013, 04:24 PM
Before I comment here, please note I have no clue as to the type of lamp or bulb your using. .. Be aware though, paper and cloth placed overtop a lampshade has been known to catch fire, and all it takes is a 60 watt incandecent bulb which many still use today.

I've always used the old style milk glass shades in the shape of a popcorn bowl. Birds love them because they warm their butts up. And I love them because not only do they catch most the poop, they can easily be removed for cleaning purposes.........:)

11-05-2013, 05:20 PM
Must be something in the air today! As soon as I stepped out of my car tonight I heard the distinct racket of a wound up lovie. Since I came in the house 45 minutes ago, Ditto has been wound up, screeching and beating up his toys and bouncing all over the place! :happy::happy:

11-05-2013, 09:55 PM
Must be something in the air today! As soon as I stepped out of my car tonight I heard the distinct racket of a wound up lovie. Since I came in the house 45 minutes ago, Ditto has been wound up, screeching and beating up his toys and bouncing all over the place! :happy::happy:

You know Dave, i'm beginning to think lovebirds aren't very accepting of the rid of daylight savings time. To be honest, neither am I.

Pips mom
11-05-2013, 10:40 PM
Before I comment here, please note I have no clue as to the type of lamp or bulb your using. .. Be aware though, paper and cloth placed overtop a lampshade has been known to catch fire, and all it takes is a 60 watt incandecent bulb which many still use today.

I've always used the old style milk glass shades in the shape of a popcorn bowl. Birds love them because they warm their butts up. And I love them because not only do they catch most the poop, they can easily be removed for cleaning purposes.........:)

Ohhh, don't worry about the lamp! I never use it with anything on it and Pip lands on it while it's off! I don't use that particular lamp as often........it's just a normal living room lamp!

11-06-2013, 07:11 AM
Must be something in the air today! As soon as I stepped out of my car tonight I heard the distinct racket of a wound up lovie. Since I came in the house 45 minutes ago, Ditto has been wound up, screeching and beating up his toys and bouncing all over the place! :happy::happy:

I have to agree with something in the air.... lacey has been hyper all day!, even when on me she isn't taking her usual long naps lol

11-06-2013, 07:35 AM
You know Dave, i'm beginning to think lovebirds aren't very accepting of the rid of daylight savings time. To be honest, neither am I.

Ditto's ok with the switch back to standard time. It's the spring switch to DST he hates.

11-06-2013, 08:43 AM
Ditto's ok with the switch back to standard time. It's the spring switch to DST he hates.
Who amongst us likes loosing an hour of sleep!!!!! :lol

11-06-2013, 09:13 AM
Who amongst us likes loosing an hour of sleep!!!!! :lol

Yeah it usually takes almost a week before he gets out of bed before I leave for work. He just gives me an evil look! :evil::evil::evil: