View Full Version : Help taming 2 2 year old lovebirds

11-24-2013, 02:48 PM
I recently got a bonded pair of peach faced love birds. The male seems to be more friendly they won't let me touch them but they tilt their heads when I talk to them. What is the best way to with trying to tame them so they would step up on to my hand? The male seems to want to come out of the cage and interact with me but is just to afraid. They do have one egg that I am not sure is fertile. I'm guessing that is why the female is so standoffish. She also does not like it when her partner plays with toys and she does nip at him sometimes. I have a feeling the lady that had them before me never gave them toys or fresh fruits and veggies. They don't seem to know what to do with the fresh food. Any input on what I just wrote would be greatly appercatied. Thank you

11-24-2013, 03:07 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you with us! Congratulations on your willingness to learn to be the perfect human slave to what sounds like an adorable pair of lovies! :)

The behavior you see is perfectly normal/natural for lovebirds that have just joined a new household. They need to learn, by experience, that you mean them no harm. Their cage is their safe place so this is going to need love, kindness and tons of patience! Just because they are observing you means you have their attention. The best thing you can do right now is just sit near them and let them get used to your presence. Many parrots are afraid of/don't like human hands so you many have to perch train them to be able to pick them up, at least initially. Accept them for who/what they are and work from that. It's hard to tell where the relationship will go and it will evolve on a daily basis.

If they've not had fresh food before, chances are they don't realize it's edible. Perhaps sitting by their cage and eating some of what you want them to try might help. Shredded carrots can also be played with so you may have some success with carrots. Don't feed avocado, chocolate, fried or salted food. Spinach is OK in moderation but there are other greens that are better for parrots.

Again, welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!

11-24-2013, 07:56 PM
Thank you for your knowledge. I just found out the one egg that my Fiona layed is fertile! So exciting :)

11-24-2013, 08:55 PM
If this pair is in breeding mode, let taming go until they have raised their babies. Is it you plan to let them raise (feed/fledge) their own little ones?

11-24-2013, 09:06 PM
I was told by a friend I should take the babies away at 3 weeks and hand raise them. Because the mama is a little nippy witch I understand it is her baby her space :) I'm just watching them and taking things day by day

11-24-2013, 10:01 PM
As a breeder, I can tell you that lovebirds make excellent parents if we allow them to do their job and raise their own little ones. When I first started breeding, I would take the babies at age 2.5 weeks for hand feeding and my parent lovebirds were absolutely devestated! I was taking away their precious babies and I sure would feel the same way if someone took away my child! I decided to let the parents feed/care for the babies and I just enjoyed playing with them several times/day. I found I had socialized babies and I didn't have to be tied to a feeding schedule.

Think very carefully before you pull the youngsters!

11-25-2013, 09:07 AM
Thank you very much for your input :) I am just going to let them do their job. I don't want to cause them anymore stress after they got moved right after laying.

11-25-2013, 09:27 AM
Sounds like a winning plan to me! I have 2 little ones whose parents are taking great care of them! I socialize them a couple of times/day and the parents know they will get their family back. I have this thing about being free to do what I want, when I need to do it and the babies are in the best of wings!

Pips mom
11-26-2013, 09:46 AM
My Pip is a parent raised lovie. I think parent raised is best because it's how nature intended and what's best for baby. Pip is very a very confident bird, very well adjusted, very happy little guy! He's pure lovie!!! very mischievous, brave! he's also very social.......with other birds and with people! He also is fascinated with dogs! He doesn't like hands, but he's very bonded with me and best buddies with my pionus Ivy.
Congrats on the fertile egg and new baby to be! best wishes for a healthy baby, and I'm sure baby & parents will be alot happier together as baby grows!

11-26-2013, 12:02 PM
Also with love and attention, even birds that have not been hand-tamed from hatch can still become bonded to you. :)