View Full Version : Do I dare let Max out of the cage to explore?

12-13-2013, 06:22 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm having great progress with my baby Max. I've had him three weeks today and I spend as much time with him as I possible can…just sitting the cage beside me as I surf the web and read this forum :) He sits on a perch that brings him as close as possible to me…I'm always talking to him sweetly. Tonight he actually let me stick my finger through the cage and pet his wing and beak a little bit (three tiny little strokes) before he tried to bite me…I said "noooo" very softly and he just looked at me. I did it again and he didn't bite so I gave him his favourite treat…a sunflower seed :)

My question is, since he's still afraid of my hands when I put them in the cage (only when I'm cleaning the cage is when he's ok with my hands inside…lol), should I bring him up to a small bedroom, open up his "rooftop patio" cage door and see what he does? His wings were clipped when I got him but I'm afraid he might try to fly and crash into something and get hurt. Or maybe he won't go back into his cage and then how do I catch him without freaking him out and breaking that trust bond that I'm slowly building?

Maybe I should give him more time and train him to step up on my finger first before I let him out? I just feel soooo sorry for him stuck inside :(

Any thoughts?

Pips mom
12-13-2013, 11:47 PM
This is a tough one, but what I would do is when you get a day when you have some free time, yes, take him into a smaller room and let him out! Keep an eye on him and see what he does. Getting him back in may end up being a chore, or maybe not! His cage is his safe place right now, so he may just go back to it on his own, even go back in on his own. If there is a large opening somewhere on the cage, just leave it open and try to shoo him back to it when you want him to go back in, or you can just wait it out and see if he goes back on his own. Chances are good that if you do end up having to chase him around, that he'll go back to the cage. He is clipped, ok, so he can't fly very far probably, but don't worry about freaking him out, it's a just a minor setback that he'll forget about quickly. As far him crashing into something? he shouldn't if nothing spooks him, maybe put his cage on the floor or a low table so he can't fall too far if he has limited flight and cover whatever's nearby that might look like a hazard with a soft blanket.
Pip came out of his cage on the first day that I got him!! I remember getting him back in was fairly easy, I just got him to go onto this big stuffed animal or pillow and then brought it over to his cage door and he went right in! Good luck!!!

12-14-2013, 12:06 AM
Just curious, but how old is Max and does he have any previous flight skills? .. With respect to Kims (Pips mom) advice, just make sure there are no large mirrors or windows that might, to a birds eye view, look as though to be an avenue of escape. Likewise, good luck. .......:)

12-14-2013, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the tips.

I was told that Max is about 5 months old. I don't think he has any experience flying but he gets really excited sometimes and hold on tight to the perch and flaps his wings like crazy! I just hate keeping him in the cage and I hate that they clipped his wings. He's a bird, he should be flying around. I've had budgies in the past and they were always out of the cage. If I had to put them inside, they would step up on my finger and I'd have no issues.

I just don't want him to get hurt. I'll try next week, put the cage on the floor, open up the roof cage door and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

12-14-2013, 04:41 PM
Ditto does the hang on the the perch and flap thing all the time. We call it flappersize! He will even do it sometimes while perched on my finger. Those little toes have quite a grip! :rofl:

12-14-2013, 05:26 PM
Awwwwwwww!!!! :)