View Full Version : I'M SO HAPPY! I have great news to share!

12-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Max and I are in looooove!!!!

I'm having sooo much progress with Max, it's unreal!!! I just had to share it with you all :)

A couple of days ago, he actually ate from my hand and last night, he stepped up in the palm of my hand for the first time and sat there for a while! He's now jumping on the palm of my hand as soon as I put my hand in the cage and he actually falls asleep on it!!!! My heart just melted as I held him and watched him take a nap. I'm just over the moon!

I think I've died and gone to heaven!! Not only this BUT he's loving all the veggies I'm offering him! It's sooo funny! Every morning he's eating broccoli for breakfast…it's hilarious to watch. His head doesn't even come up out of the veggie cup until he's all done…all I see is his little butt :) AWWWW!!!

In a few days I will open his cage door and let him out now that he's comfy with my hands :)

Thanks for reading :)

12-17-2013, 06:05 PM
Love, kindness and patience will do it every time! Max has accepted you into his flock and feels comfortable with you. There's no feeling like this when it happens!!!! This is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing!!!!!

12-17-2013, 06:35 PM
Thanks Linda :) He has brought so much joy into my life :) I just love him to death! :)

12-20-2013, 07:44 AM
Awwww I'm happy for you. I wish our lovebirds would do so as well. The female one wants to bite me as soon as I get my finger near her. The other is just so scared but she eats the food on my hand. Congratulations!

12-20-2013, 11:53 AM
Don't get discouraged. I've had Max for four weeks today and believe me, I've got little bird beak scars all over my right hand from the bites I got….but oh so worth it! lol I never thought he'd come around but he did. Try dipping your fingers in water before you approach your little guy. This is what I did and when he went to bite me, he felt the water and instead of biting, he ended up licking…lol.

Before you know it, you'll be posting your big success too! :)

12-22-2013, 08:54 AM
Don't get discouraged. I've had Max for four weeks today and believe me, I've got little bird beak scars all over my right hand from the bites I got….but oh so worth it! lol I never thought he'd come around but he did. Try dipping your fingers in water before you approach your little guy. This is what I did and when he went to bite me, he felt the water and instead of biting, he ended up licking…lol.

Before you know it, you'll be posting your big success too! :)

Thanks for the tip. I am going to let her bite me tomorrow. I hope she'll go easy on me and won't make me bleed! :lol

12-22-2013, 03:34 PM
When she does bite you, pull your hand away slowly and say softly "no". They actually get it. Trust me, I NEVER thought Max would stop biting me and now he loves to sit in the palm of my hand and sleep! You'll totally forget about all the bites! So worth it!

Good luck and keep us posted! :)

12-23-2013, 10:01 AM
Maxie: You are doing really good with little Max who looks like my lttle Vida (who is a bit temperamental - sometimes she bites other times she doesn't!).

12-23-2013, 06:02 PM
Awww, thanks John! Maybe we can hook up Max and Vida and be grandparents to little grandlovebirdkiddies :) lol