View Full Version : What mutation are my lovebirds?

01-18-2014, 02:56 AM
Hello everybody, I own two lovebirds.

The female I think it's a Lutino but I can't tell if it has any dark factor or any other visible gene.
The male on the other hand I suppose it is a cinnamon but I'm not sure if it is American or Australian (Palid). Also what about dark, violet factor and aqua turquoise genes?

Thanks in advances for all responses.

Both birds



01-18-2014, 07:08 AM
The Lutino appears to be a Pied Lutino, as the brow edge is jagged. Dark factor in Lutino is almost impossible to see visually. The bright yellow coloring doesn't appear to change/deepen, at least not that I've been able to see. Your male is a medium (single dark factor) American Cinnamon Blue. Pallid is more yellowish green, while your male is the classic "mint" color that is American Cinnamon. Flights are tannish so that's another visual clue. Very pretty pair!

01-18-2014, 09:06 AM
thx Linda!

01-18-2014, 08:11 PM
Aaaaa! The first pic is soooo cuuuute hehe. :)

01-21-2014, 09:17 AM
thx longobongo!

I have one question? Is it possible for the male which is visually american cinammon to be split to lutino or to any other sex-linked gene?
If not that means that I will be able to identify the gender of the possible babies, am I correct? american cinnamon babies will be females and all the other will be males?

01-21-2014, 11:20 AM
thx longobongo!

Is it possible for the male which is visually american cinammon to be split to lutino or to any other sex-linked gene? If not that means that I will be able to identify the gender of the possible babies, am I correct? american cinnamon babies will be females and all the other will be males?
Yes. Males can be split for any sex link gene but you won't see the gene until the male breeds and passes the gene. If the hen is not a visual of the gene that the male is carrying, those babies will be hens. Since your hen is a visual ino, if the male is split ino and passes that gene, the baby could be male or female. Your hen is not a visual cinnamon so all cinamon babies (plum colored eyes) will be hens. Also keep in mind that your hen is green series and your male is blue series. If she is not split for blue, green is dominant so you could have a clutch of all green series babies but each baby will inherit the gene for blue from dad. If any babies hatch and have white down, they are blue series and mom is split blue.