View Full Version : More about Kiwi!

01-21-2014, 11:11 AM
Heya peeps again!

hope you all don't mind me posting so much ;)

Anyways, I would like to say that I think i've made some progress with Kiwi. I haven't really interacted with her physically. last Night i had the cage open in my room and i slowly put my hand in her cage. She fluttered around a lot but stopped at the bottom of her cage and I was able to stroke her gently. I did that for about 2 minutes and stopped, realizing this was a good thing. Two weeks ago I had gotten a pen, as a perch and actually had her step up onto the pen, and was able to put her on my arm (i had a sweat shirt on) and we worked on stepping up onto the pen and my arm. She responded very well to that. I haven't done that recently just because I don't want to push her.

She is VERY interactive vocally. I will sit for 10 minutes or so sometimes just making kissing noises and whistling and she loves singing back. She still turns her head and responds if we call her name. My whole family has been doing that with her and she enjoys it. She still gets finicky if we get too close to the cage and she'll hope over quickly to the other side if we walk to close. I think what has been helping is that during the day I leave her out in the patio (it's fenced in.) She LOVES running around. We have a small little pot tree that she absolutely loves hopping into and climbing up and standing there singing. I think letting her be able to do her own thing without handling is helping. My question now is should I start trying slowly taking her into, let's say, my bathroom, without the cage and start working on handling her? Or should I allow her to do her own thing? I'm worried about pushing or rushing her too much now, since I've barely been physically interacting with her.

Thanks in advance :)

01-21-2014, 11:45 AM
I would definitely try interacting with her in a place where her cage is not. It helped so much when forging the bond I have with my own bird. Even more so when I took her into the shower with me. Now, I'm able to handle her any which way I want without tooo much fussing haha. :) Good luck

01-21-2014, 11:54 AM
Thanks longobongo!

Quick question. Should I bring the cage in the bathroom, have her step out of her cage then, put the cage out so I can interact with her. Since she doesn't fully do perch training?

01-21-2014, 08:22 PM
However you're most comfortable would be fine, I think. If you'd rather take the whole cage to the bathroom and remove the cage, that would be fine.