View Full Version : Murphy's In Love....

03-03-2014, 10:56 AM
With Gussie's boing! Murphy will be 2 in July. He has been doing the itchy-clicky dance for some time but recently learned how to get it on with Gussie's boing. He has his own boing but prefers hers. Who knows the ins and outs of physical attraction? :happy: he has been with me just over one year now. We will never be buddies but he does follow me from room to room, answer me when I speak to him, and recently has been landing on me with increasing frequency...as long as I keep my hands to myself. He usually doesn't stay very long and is gone in a flash if I move a single muscle, but he is making contact. At least I won't have to worry about him using ME as a sex toy the way my first boy lovey did! :omg:he and Gussie have an "acquaintance" relationship. They talk to each other and hang out together--sort of. They both follow me about and will even sit on me at the same time...briefly for Murphy. They talk to each other, will sit on the play gym or window sill at the same time, etc., as long as there is about 8 to 10 inches between them. If Gussie moves too close, Murphy is gone in a flash...but he comes right back. He came to me as a special needs bird who would never fly well due to improper fledging. But nobody told HIM, so he zips around my apartment like a little jet plane. And he plays and plays and plays! He plays with his toys more than any bird I have ever had. Finally all the money I spent on toys is paying off. So, while he isn't the hands on bird I had hoped for, he is cute, happy, here to stay. Gussie is fine...and currently hormonal. She is still my cuddly baby at bed time but is pretty nippy during the day :omg:. She pretty much ignores Murphy...as she does all birds. I really don't think she knows she is a bird. But boy, does she LOVE human men. The landlord came for an inspection recently and I finally had to put her in her cage...and got a blood-letting bite in the process....because she was determined to get to him. And he was NOT thrilled with her attention. She was that way with my brother, as well. That's about it for now....

03-03-2014, 11:44 AM
Murphy sounds like quite the character and is certainly doing well being a member of your flock! Trust doesn't always come easy and some parrots will always be touch me nots. Ginger, my CAG, has been with me since 1991 and will still growl/scream like someone is killing her if we pick her up. That's just Ginger and I accept her the way she is.

Heaven only knows how favorite things/places are selected and they are difficult, if not impossible to change once the preference is selected. Gussie's may be just like his but he likes hers and that's all she wrote! No rhyme or reason.......:whistle: