View Full Version : Ok, someone explain to me.....

03-03-2014, 04:40 PM
How one 50 gram lovebird can eat almost an entire 3 pound bag of nutriberries and more than a full pack of avi-cakes in a week and a half? :omg:

I know it's 15 degrees outside but the house is heated. You'd think he's been out playing in the snow or something...

03-03-2014, 07:55 PM
You sure he's not (or maybe your not) supporting a little "friend"? .. As in a little mouse type friend? .... :confused: ......:)

03-03-2014, 07:58 PM
You sure he's not (or maybe your not) supporting a little "friend"? .. As in a little mouse type friend? .... :confused: ......:)

Don't think so. We haven't had a mouse since I got rid of them a few years ago. They snuck in the cage at night as soon as the lights went off and I could hear them crunching.

He's been making a lot of crumbs lately. Seems when he gets bored he likes to chew. And he moulting, he eats a lot and chews up the food when he moults.

That and I think he's got a hollow leg...........

03-03-2014, 08:24 PM
You know Dave, this last summer I kept finding our two huge aloe plants, which happen to be under Beeber's cage, partially dug up with soil scattered all over the carpet. I also noticed, that unlike the usual seed mess found on the carpet below his cage, the carpet remained relatively seed free. .. The culprit? .. As evidenced by a large stockpile of seeds found in an adjoining closet, seems our little mousey friend had been storing seeds for quite sometime. .. I don't know, but a three pound bag of nutriberries in only a week and a half? Sure he's not lifting weights?

03-03-2014, 08:55 PM
You know Dave, this last summer I kept finding our two huge aloe plants, which happen to be under Beeber's cage, partially dug up with soil scattered all over the carpet. I also noticed, that unlike the usual seed mess found on the carpet below his cage, the carpet remained relatively seed free. .. The culprit? .. As evidenced by a large stockpile of seeds found in an adjoining closet, seems our little mousey friend had been storing seeds for quite sometime. .. I don't know, but a three pound bag of nutriberries in only a week and a half? Sure he's not lifting weights?

I think he's hollow. He ate a nutriberry and an avi-cake while we watched tv on the couch for an hour. IF there's a mouse they're leaving the stuff on the floor alone. He's just being his normal, wasteful self.

He likes to take a bite out of a berry, then another berry then another berry. By the time I change the food dish there's a half dozen tiny ones left. Othertimes he'll eat everything in sight (and go through far less food).

03-04-2014, 11:23 AM

03-04-2014, 04:34 PM
Ok, I swear the little twit gets on the computer while I'm at work and reads what I post here.

Today I came home and he didn't chew all his food to crumbs (he knows I'm on to him), instead he ate like a civilized bird and went back to re-arranging what was left to make the nearly empty bowl look full! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

I'd still like to know how he does that.:evil:

03-04-2014, 05:01 PM
ok the secret is out we all pay ditto extra to make you insane because the irs makes US insane! XD

03-05-2014, 04:50 PM
ok the secret is out we all pay ditto extra to make you insane because the irs makes US insane! XD

Well it's working. I came home today and the food dish looked as full as it was wen I put it in this morning. I knew that wasn't the case because he dove on it and started eating as soon as I put it in there.

Of course when I took it out to freshen it up I could tell he ate half of what was in there with little waste.

Maybe he should share some of that loot with me, I am the Taxman after all and need my cut! :evil:

03-05-2014, 06:30 PM
Maybe Gussie's been teaching him the proper way to eat those tasty treats. (I posted this a long time ago, so Ditto might have been doing some research while you are at work.)

Pick up a Nutriberry.
Turn your back upon your dish.
Take a bite then drop that orb;
Watch it fall, go swish.

Grab another tasty treat--
Make sure you turn away.
A Nutriberry's good to eat
But it's also meant for play.

The tasty part's the first bite.
The rest is just a ball.
It's very entertaining
To watch those berries fall!

03-05-2014, 06:51 PM
Fortunately he doesn't throw them out of the bowl often. Just take a bite of one, then another and another. Then once he's bitten each one, he starts over again.:rotfl I wind up with a bowl of parrot sized nutriberries that have been reduced to the size of a blueberry.

Usually the only time he drops them is when he's eating them on the boing, or the occasional feeding frenzy he gets into.