View Full Version : Fake Sleeping to avoid me?

03-04-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi everyone!
I have just noticed something about Peaches (2 months old) that I found funny and a little weird, I dont know if this is normal behavioral but...

Does your love bird ever fake sleeping just to avoid you? Iv noticed that when ever i start talking to peaches or try to interact with her she would close her eyes... if her head is to one side (meaning i can only see 1 eye) she will close that one eye (pretend to sleep) but keep the eye (eye away from me) wide open.

Mango (3 month old) just gives the blank stare... lol Iv only had them for officially 1 week now but love how wide and different there personality are.

03-05-2014, 10:10 AM
Unlikely is it that lovebirds would even understand the concept of "fake sleeping" as a way to avoid anyone let alone actually exercise it. Should the need to avoid anyone occur, whether human or otherwise, they'd be more apt to go into fight or flight mode rather than become an easy meal by faking sleep or in essence, playing dead. .. Much like when they close their eyes in response to scritchies or beak rubs, my theory is that your lovebird simply feels comfortable listening to your voice. .....:2cents:.....:)

03-05-2014, 10:43 AM
Very scientific =) at points I forget it is a bird and unable to do complicated actions but sometimes I see my birds as more lol but you are right as well, it's something that I didn't consider. I thought since they were so new in there new home that they wouldn't get so cozy so quickly... But they still are scared of me lol, each day a little progress

03-05-2014, 01:01 PM
Many birds, not just parrots, close one eye when resting but keep one eye open, usually the dominant eye, to watch out for predators. All of my birds prefer to sit on my left shoulder so they can close the eye next to me while keeping their dominant eye (my birds are all lefties) open to scan the horizon for danger.