View Full Version : Single lovie or a pair?

05-04-2014, 11:12 PM
Hello! New lovie mommy to 2 beautiful babies. One is a peach face the other is a fischer. I know that I cannot mix them as my peachy is already pecking the little one but I am looking forward to getting a couple more peach faced and fischer's to keep them company but I wonder if it would affect my bond with them. I had a tiel a couple years ago that was so sweet extremely attached to me, I had his sibling too but the other passed early on. I want a similar bond, do you believe I should keep them alone? I dedicate lots of time to them.

05-14-2014, 07:31 PM
You can give them the option to have a companion...I have 2 male lovebirds..and yes they fight occasionally and it looks bad, but I know its normal and they also love and cuddle eachother. I know they appreciate having one of their kind around. What I did was tame my first one...then got the other one had him in a separate cage...tamed him...and I noticed they would have secret meeting and thought I did not notice...so when I felt they were both bonded enough to me I put them together..my first lovie would pick me over him any day(: hope that helped