View Full Version : Finally going to a bird fair

10-30-2005, 10:22 AM
Finally after trying for a year I am going to a bird fair. There is one here in Marrietta next weekend. I have money incase I find a cage for Whisper and Baggy. Also I am sending off for Whisper's DNA kit today. I am getting it done because I have to if they are going to share a cage much longer. If Whisper is female I am going to seprate them and look for a male for Baggy. Also I am going to take husbands grandmother with me and help her find a bird. She use to have a tiel and would like another bird. It is hard for me though because she only wants a bird that can talk. How do you tell someone they are nutz without hurting thier feelings?lol.I will just go and be sure I tell her they might not talk.


10-30-2005, 10:28 AM

I hope you have a good time, and find lots of good stuff. I'm sure you'll have nooooo problem :lol

As for the Grandmother? Tell her that the birds that don't talk say so much more with their actions than words could ever say :)

10-30-2005, 10:56 AM
Steph: I hope you have fun and good luck with finding a talking bird ;).....I just also wanted to add that I would be careful in separating Baggy and Whisper regardless of their sexes. From what you have shared they get along great and Whisper has been very therapeautic for Baggy. In my mind, there are always exceptions to every rule and as long as they are getting along I would not separate them. Besides there is just as great a chance that they would not get along or grow apart if Whisper were a male and separating them may have an adverse affect of Baggy. Of course, this is just my :2cents:

I hope you have a great time at the birdfair and look forward to hearing all about it :D

10-30-2005, 11:48 AM
Hi Steph,
Enjoy the bird fair and remember to change clothes/disinfect before you handle your own birds. Bird fairs can be very dangerous as far as disease is concerned so it's better to play it safe.

While many birds have speech ability, they don't all talk. Ginger, my CAG, is a prime example. She can mimic sounds with perfection but has never said a word in the 15 yrs that I've had her! I don't really care, however, as I love her for who she is rather than what I expect from her. :)

10-30-2005, 12:01 PM
Laura what you say is very true. I guess I just worry about them fighting and hurting each other. I think I will get Whisper sexed and then see how it goes with them. No matter what I am looking for a new cage. I am hoping if they have masked i can convince DH to let me get a new cage and a new bird both..lol. I would like to get another masked as I miss Angel alot. We shall see. I am going to make a list of things I need like new toys and a cage as top things. I am going to my MIL's after the bird show and will be using her garden tub so my little ones at home are safe.

I have a silly question but if you buy a bird at a show do they give you the boxes like pet stores do or if you get a bird should you have a cage with you?


10-30-2005, 12:40 PM
Yep, I'm going to that too Steph. I need some supplies. I went to it last year also. If you can get there early, it also has a "show" and I missed it, but it was setup in the back of the building which I never saw until later. If it's in the same building, there are two sides - look for a hallway that separates the two rooms. It's a small show, but this is where we met Leslie's breeder who owned Boscoe. Have fun! :)

10-30-2005, 01:40 PM
Amanda that is what worries me. She had a tiel before that talked and lived I was told 10years. I will make it clear to her if she decides to get a bird and it does not work out I will take it in. She has mentioned she would take my budgies if I did not wnat them also. We will see. She also has many dogs(most outside though). She breeds Daschunds.


10-31-2005, 02:05 PM
:confused: Well looks like have to see if I can find perches. Either birds chewed it to pieces in a day or I have a rodent not caged..lol. Will be looking tonight after trick or treating.


11-01-2005, 12:23 PM
Heheh, good luck! I'm so jealous that I can't go to bird fairs. You guys are lucky.

And Steph, don't get rid of those budgies! They will be so much fun someday!

11-01-2005, 01:33 PM
I doubt I am giving budgies away. I am hoping to take her to the fair and find her a bird for herself. Calling her tomarrow night to talk it over with her.
