View Full Version : updates on the life of mandy

05-15-2005, 12:43 AM
WOW it took me a while, but i figured out how to access this new forum! i didn't realize i had to log in and i was like, hmm....nothing here....

anyways, i saw in the other board that people were inquiring about my health and life...thank you all so much for being concerned!

i go back to the neurologist sometime next week to talk about meds. i was totally against going on a perscription at first, but decided that i really do want to keep my driver's liscense, and i really do want to go to new zealand without risking a seizure...so i am going to try it out.

life has been nuts. i moved, and started a new (demanding!) job last weekend. it's been hectic on top of the health issues, and i still have to finish my finals!! but i'm taking it as easy as i can and getting lots of rest, and i feel loads better every day.

i even got to sneak my finches into my new place :) technically, they aren't supposed to be there, but they are, for now, and seem to really like the new apt. there's a lot more interesting places to perch, and pigeons to talk to out the window!

i don't have internet at home right now, as money is extremely tight, so i can only check up on these forums when i'm at work...but i will still pop in and read up when i can :) i can't wait to see what happens with the new place!

thanks, all, for your well-wishes and prayers!


05-15-2005, 12:56 AM

Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Hope that everything continues to go well. I've snuck a few pets into apts in my time ;) Seems to make them all the more fun :) Do keep us updated with how things are going!


05-15-2005, 01:00 AM
I am glad things are going well for you, Mandy. There is nothing as important as your health, so do take good care of yourself. I hope the new job goes well and the demands lessen with time.

It's good to hear from you.

05-15-2005, 01:33 AM
:D Thats great news Mandy, gotta try and get some normality back into your life, Were looking forward to having you in New Zealand! :D

05-15-2005, 07:09 AM
Hey Mandy,

I'm glad to hear you are doing better. I know how you feel about the meds, as I resisted taking anything also. I just hated the thought of having to take something on a daily basis. I am taking a anti-seizure medication for my cluster headaches, and it seems to be working quiet well. I hope your meds work as well, and you can resume life as before soon.

I will still keep you in my prayers of course. Hey I keep everyone here in my prayers. We're family :)

Take Care,


05-15-2005, 10:03 AM
Hi Mandy,

Trixie Karen and I are glad ot hear the good news. Keep us posted!
I feel like all of you have in some really nice way become a part of our extended family and we want to know everything!!!!
