View Full Version : How to tame a parent raised bird?

05-14-2014, 09:08 AM
When do I start taming a parent raised bird? And when do I remove it from the parents completely? The parwnts are not tame at all....so what would the whole process be is my question...when can I start handling, when is it okay for me to remove it from the parents care..things like that...will having parents who arent tamed affect their behavior? Also...in "flight school" should they still go through that? The baby will probably be free roaming like my other 2 not in a cage like the parents..how would that work? My lovebirds are peach-faced

05-14-2014, 01:58 PM
You can start handling the baby/babies when you are ready. I normally wait til 3wks just cause so tiny scares me. Having un-tamed parents does not mean baby will be untamed even if they share a cage. I allowed my mother bird to teach her baby how to fly. All my birds were flighted. Sometimes the parent birds can become tame by seeing you interact with their baby. Most parents will let you know when it is time for the baby to have own cage. Sometimes though parents let babies stay.

05-14-2014, 03:21 PM
Can I remove them at 8 weeks or when they are weaned? The cage is outside...my tame birds are inside, and I read on handling as early as 8 days...I taught her the bahy needs to be fed and I had to handfeed them for a bit before she learned. I M keeping one and the other is for my little cousin

05-15-2014, 05:00 AM
I would make sure that they have been weaned 2 weeks before bringing inside. That way you know for sure they are ready to be away from parents.