View Full Version : New taming approach

05-27-2014, 07:26 AM
Hey I. New here

I got a baby peachfaced love bird last Saturday, which was raised by its parents. It's probably 2 months old and not tamed at all. I don't know how to upload the pic.

Anyway, since I got it I spend a lot of time around it so it gets used to me. But yesterday, as I was browsing the net, I searched for peach faced love birds singing. Once I played the videos, my bird went nuts and got so excited. So plugged in the small speakers and layer them on my hand and I put my hand in the cage right next to the swing and play these videos. So now my bird stands like 1 cm away from my hand trying to find out where these lovebird sounds are coming from.

Of course it's still scared of my hand so it doesn't sit still. It started spending like one second and jumping off the swing but now it spends an average of 10 seconds. It only nibbled on one of fingers to explore it but got scared and jumped away.

I believe it's quite a progress for the 4th day.
I'll keep on trying and keep this thread updated ;)

Pic is up :)
http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/Fanouz/imagejpg1.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/Fanouz/media/imagejpg1.jpg.html)

05-27-2014, 07:57 AM
What a cute youngster!! :) Age is spot on, as the dark splotch on the beak has not yet begun to fade. My biggest concern is that you make sure he's eating on his own. Sometimes when babies go to new homes to early, they regress back to wanting to be fed. They lose confidence in their own ability so it's important that you monitor food intake very closely. It takes just about 72 hours for a baby to starve to death so put this on the front burner.

05-27-2014, 08:10 AM
I offer millet, phalaris, and another kind of small seeds and sunflower seeds

While I tame I see it eat from time to time.

How would I know I fits not eating enough?

05-27-2014, 10:22 AM
The main thing is that you see your lovebird eating. If there's a particular food that he/she seems to like right now, make lots of it available. Give another week or two and you can try introducing new food along with what's already being eaten. Millet actually does have nutritional value such as protein. Birds tend to love it and many think that a lot is too much but the opposite is true when you have a young one away from everything familiar for the first time.

05-27-2014, 10:53 AM
Thanks a lot :)

05-29-2014, 09:00 AM
This is today :)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/Fanouz/imagejpg1-1.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/Fanouz/media/imagejpg1-1.jpg.html)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/Fanouz/imagejpg2.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/Fanouz/media/imagejpg2.jpg.html)

It even went on my hand and nibbled on my finger but it didn't stay that long as it still doesn't trust me at all

06-02-2014, 10:00 PM
A little update

The trust level is building up slowly but steadily as I abandoned my life and I'm spending all my time with it before and after work.

When it's out of the cage it doesn't mind me walking next to it or coming very close as long as my hands don't reach out to it. I think it dislikes my hands including fingers the most.
It has no problems standing on my legs.

Yesterday I was laying in bed without a shirt and watching some videos on my iPad ..... It landed on my belly and started nibbling at the screen then nibbling on my stomach. My belly button was an amazement to it. Then it turned around and starred at my face and checked it out for a good 10 min.

However, once it's out of the cage it doesn't want to go in again. Most of the time I wait until it's dark and I shut off all the lights. Then I hold it and put it in its cage and I'm sure it doesn't like that and that's contributing to its dislike to my hands I suppose.

06-03-2014, 05:37 AM
There are many parrots that just don't like human hands, even though they know those hands will not hut them. As long as you can accept that fact, sounds like you have a good trust building relationship going on. The downside of coming out is not wanting to go back in! You are handling this very well. :)

06-03-2014, 07:07 AM
[snip]......... However, once it's out of the cage it doesn't want to go in again. Most of the time I wait until it's dark and I shut off all the lights. Then I hold it and put it in its cage and I'm sure it doesn't like that and that's contributing to its dislike to my hands I suppose.

The fact your able to even hold your lovebird indicates he's not entirely disliking of hands. And while there are some parrots who will never take to being handled, over time, many do get comfortable with it. .. So hey, can you share with us what your birds name is? ........ :)

06-03-2014, 10:46 PM
The fact your able to even hold your lovebird indicates he's not entirely disliking of hands. And while there are some parrots who will never take to being handled, over time, many do get comfortable with it. .. So hey, can you share with us what your birds name is? ........ :)

Thanks Linda and Michael :)

I think I should've elaborated more. The 2 nights that I turned off the light and held it, it was against it will. The turning off of all lights while it's sleeping gives me the chance to reach out and grab it without it seeing my hands. So it was against its will. After I hold it I put one hand under my shirt and usually is goes back to sleep in less than a minute or so. I let it sleep for 2 hours in my hand under the shirt then I put it in its cage.

Last time it was out I've put an extra food dish right on the cage door but from the inner side of the cage. It took about 3 hours until it finally went in to eat and after that I closed the door.

I named it Hikuri, but I'm still getting to know it's personality, so I can call it another name that fits it more :)

06-04-2014, 08:00 AM
I think I should've elaborated more. The 2 nights that I turned off the light and held it, it was against it will. The turning off of all lights while it's sleeping gives me the chance to reach out and grab it without it seeing my hands........ [snip].........I named it Hikuri, but I'm still getting to know it's personality, so I can call it another name that fits it more :)

Interesting name. Even should you change it, thanks for sharing. .. In regards to grabbing Hikuri..... Turning the lights off is an excellent idea, however, try to use whatever opportunity you can to get him to "step up" on his own. Maybe a long wooden perch, or even the side of your arm. While I understand there are times you may not have much choice but to use the method you've described, grabbing/holding a bird against its will can set you back when it comes to building trust. .. Again, thanks for sharing Hikuri ........:)

06-04-2014, 10:16 AM
Thanks a lot for the tip.....I've noticed he holds grudges

I've made him this tent and he loves it, plays on it, chews on it and when he's tired he sleeps in it, although it's kind of hot.

Do young birds sleep a lot? Like a noticed this pattern, he flys around and plays then eats then takes a nap. This pattern happens many times in a day, like from 4-6 times. Is that normal?

06-04-2014, 10:58 AM
Hikuri is still very much a baby and youngsters will catnap more often than adults. Even adults will take short naps several times/day. They forage, play hard and get tired. Siesta time!

Keep an eye on the tent you got for him. Chewing on fabric, if that's what it's made of, can create loose pieces/threads that can be deadly if he gets caught on them. Lovebirds have lost toes, feet and even their lives if they get entangled in loose pieces. If it gets worn, replace it with another one like it or get him a different kind.

06-04-2014, 12:28 PM
1st of all I'd like to thank you both for all your help :)

I made the tent out of a piece of rectangle cut from a card box and I covered it with a sock. I think Hikuri managed to loosen up some strings. Today while in one of its crazy flying moods one if it's nails got tangled on the loose parkmof the sock ..... For just a second or so.

Should I take it out? Or just remove the sock and leave the card box as a tent? I just want him to feel comfortable when he sleeps in it.

06-04-2014, 12:50 PM
Perhaps remove the sock and replace it with felt. Strings can be deadly so I would think along the lines of something he can't get caught on. If it can be done, a lovebird will do it!!!!!

Be careful of anything, toy or otherwise, that has string attached to it! Dave (z28taxman) needs to share his story about Ditto with string here!

06-04-2014, 05:41 PM
Perhaps remove the sock and replace it with felt. Strings can be deadly so I would think along the lines of something he can't get caught on. If it can be done, a lovebird will do it!!!!!

Be careful of anything, toy or otherwise, that has string attached to it! Dave (z28taxman) needs to share his story about Ditto with string here!

Oh yeah, long strings are a no-no in this house now. For almost 9 years they weren't a problem, then one day Ditto swallowed a piece a bit over an inch long and got partially blocked up which slowed his GI tract enough to get a yeast infection in the crop. Vomit everywhere! Took almost 2 months for him to poop out that string and get back to normal and he did not like the nasty meds for the yeast!

Ditto has a nap pattern too. He'll be active, noisy and eat in the morning, Then just after noon, it's naptime. You can set your watch by him. Then around 2 he starts bopping around again with only a short nap around 3:30 (probably because I nap then when I'm home). Then after he eats his dinner he'll nap again around 7 until I eat at 8 (he has to eat when I do). At 9pm all **** breaks loose because he knows that's when we go to the couch to watch tv (and he gets an hour of head scritches and beak rubs whether I like it or not). :happy::happy:

06-05-2014, 09:01 AM
Sorry to hear that but I'm glad he pulled it through :)

So I took the sock off but since I don't know what felt is, I just put the tent (minus the sock) back in but he's not interested at all. I'll have to ask someone what felt is and where I can find it.

As of yesterday, I can see a lot of improvement in the trust issue. He knows I'm not interested in hurting him but he's still very hesitant, but sometimes his curiosity is taking over him.

Last week (our 2nd week) I was starting to get bored and frustrated but since yesterday things are brightening up. Even making him go back in his cage takes 10 min max.

Today I got a new phone, so I've let him out and I started to play with my phone. I put some sunflower seeds on my lap. He cam on my lap started eating the seeds and I started videotaping it. Moving my hand still scares him but he doesn't fly away, just take a few steps back. What's really hard is, keeping myself from laughing as this still scares him.

06-21-2014, 10:54 PM
Can someone plz tell me, what kind of mutation Hikuri is?

06-24-2014, 08:43 AM
Hikuri is a Green Peachfaced Lovebird. He's either medium or dark green but I can't tell without seeing the rump feathering. If the color of the feathering on his rump is cobalt blue, then he's medium green (single dark factor). If that feathering is grey, then he's a dark green (double dark factor). Any way you slice it, he's plain out adorable!

08-16-2014, 04:46 PM
First of all thanks a lot Linda for the info. Secondly I'm very sorry for disappearing, I faced some problems with hikuri that made me feel down for some time.

A little accident happened to hikuri that broke his leg right above his foot. I called the vet and made him go to his clinic to meet me in hope of saving the situation, but it couldn't be saved. So the vet had to amputate hikuri's foot. I felt terrible for over a month, although hikuri started playing again after only 3 days. In a week hikuri was back to normal and was playing full power. Although I had nothing to do with the accident (only that I left the room to get a glass of water) but I still feel guilty for leaving him in the room alone.

We bonded more as the days passed to the point that he cuddles in my hands and let's me pet him, right before he sleeps.

The way I tamed hikuri was playing youtube videos with lovebird sounds on mini speakers, which I kept on my lap and he would come to the speakers to socialize with these sounds until he became totally tame and trusted me. I have to say the he hated and feared hand and my fingers for so long that I thought he'll never get over it.

So even after we became friends he still would get very excited when he hears other lovebirds in the speakers. So I decided to get another lovebird so we could be a "flock".

I didn't find any baby lovebirds in the pet stores around so I did I Web search to end up finding a guy offering a 5 months old handreared alexandrine parakeet. So I went and got him and he's a sweetheart and very tame. He's very calm and curious, but destructive to all things in the house :). He's also very independent but he wants me to always be around him. I called him Felfel.

I placed his cage very close to hikuri's cage so they could both check each other out.

So after 4 days in the house I decided to let them both explore each other without cages. So I set them both free in the living room and as soon as hikuri got out of the cage he started flying to felfel and was very aggressive towards him. Since felfel only spent a few days in the house he was scared of small sized hikuri. So I ended the session in disappointment, but tried again after a few hours to get the same result.
I've had felfel for 3 weeks now and things have changed. Felfel is as dominant as hikuri now and hikuri isn't territorial anymore, but he wants to play with felfel. However felfel is not really fond of hikuri but prefers human company. Hikuri is felfel shadow, he will follow him everywhere. Both of them behave like little children, but hey they're both very young. If anyone of them is playing with a toy, the other one drops whatever toy he has to take the one that the other one is playing with.

They're still not friends but I think they will be very soon. I'm very optimistic :) it's kind of hard to leave the house these days as its extremely fun being without of these guys.

08-16-2014, 08:07 PM
Hello Philocacti! Congrats on your new addition :) I just wanted to weigh in here and say that, please don't blame yourself for Hikuri's accident. I too have a disabled lovie. When I adopted Boco he had just recently lost his left wing. He cannot fly, but he's become quite my little gymnast! I've found that his disability has not at all affected his quality of life, he's as happy as can be. :)

You should share some photos of both Hikuri and Felfel! Good luck and congrats again!

08-17-2014, 07:29 AM
Sorry to hear about the loss of Hikuri's foot but sometimes accidents happen and there's nothing that can be done except what needs to be done. Sounds like he's adapted and doesn't even realize he has a handicap!

The friendship between Hikuri and your new Alexandrine will have to develop between them. There's nothing you can do to help or hinder. Just be careful that you watch them while they are out and about together. Your Alexandrine is larger but only in size. Lovebirds are not frightened by size and sometimes get into situations over their heads. Either one could do damage to the other. They will sort things out. Your job is to make sure they are safe while they do it. :)

08-17-2014, 11:41 AM
longobongo, thanks a lot for your words......I'm sorry about what happened Boco, but I'm glad to hear that it didn't affect his life. I guess having a good owner plays a big part on how they continue with their lives after losing a limb.

Thanks Linda, he's coming a long well. Now he has a foot and beak as climbing tool by the uses his third limb to support his weight but can't hold on to things with it. He's become more playful than ever. I guess it has to do with knowing that I'm not going to hurt him and he's at home. It's amazing how I can pet him and hold him as he used to be terrified of hands.

About both of them together, Hikuri lost all aggressive behavior towards felfel I never let them out of my sight cuz felfel can get really grumpy when he's sleepy and Hikuri wants to hang out around him all the time.

All I do when their out, is observe the development of their relationship. Now it's mostly fine and everyone is doing his own thing, but every once in a while is fight starts. So usually I just put my hand in the middle and that will break it or I just clap once or twice.

Here's both of them interacting in the first week. Hikuri was aggressive and dominant at that point.

Felfel trying to bath ...... In a plastic bag

Hikuri playing with a new toy. Recently he grew bright red feathers on his forehead

08-17-2014, 11:51 AM
Very cute! I love the first video. Hikuri is chewing away and Felfel is like "me too?" and Hikuri is like MINE! MINE MINE MINE!

Actually "mine mine mine" describes both of my lovebirds to a T. :rotfl I'm glad Felfel is adjusting and Hikuri is as playful as ever. As Linda said, just be careful to keep a close eye on them both when they're out and about. I recently adopted a cockatiel who I've yet to introduce to either of my lovies (they are both pretty aggressive and cockatiels are so shy). Congrats again!

08-18-2014, 03:10 PM
Thanks a lot for the positive vibes :)

I noticed that felfel loves watermelon seeds and he'll do anything to get them, so I started flight recall training sessions with him.

I've only done 2 sessions (1 in the morning and 1 after work) and he's progressing really good. I guess he's addicted to these seeds.

I started giving him one when he steps up, then gradually increased the distance until we reached 10 meters. He landed twice on my head (instead of my hand) so I praised him without giving him a seed and he learned the landing on my hand is the key to the treat. At the end of the day, I just tell him felfel come. And he flies across the house and makes a lot of effort to land on my hand.

I forgot to mention the when I got him, he didn't fly easily. It seemed like he's either heavy or his wing muscles weren't that strong. I guess the guy I bought him from didn't let him out of his cage that much. But 2 days ago I noticed that he's teaching himself to maneuver while flying.

I want to teach him develop his maneuvering skills cuz there are lots of raptors where I live. I'm trying to teach him all of this in case he flys away by accident.

08-21-2014, 11:18 AM
They'll only be this close without fighting before they nap

http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h101/Reptilecacti/DSC_0487.jpg (http://s62.photobucket.com/user/Reptilecacti/media/DSC_0487.jpg.html)

http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h101/Reptilecacti/DSC_0486.jpg (http://s62.photobucket.com/user/Reptilecacti/media/DSC_0486.jpg.html)

08-21-2014, 01:18 PM
Bribery will get you everywhere, especially when the bird in question loves what you are offering for a treat!!! :rotfl Recall training can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency so this is very important. Keep working with them.

08-22-2014, 11:00 AM
Hahaha so true, but it seems I can't find Hikuri's treat yet. He loves almonds but not enough to come to me when call him.

Yeah I'd be devastated if one of them gets lost. At least with recall training I'll be able to call for them. Yesterday I got a clicker to try to make communication easier ;)

08-22-2014, 12:13 PM
Give Hikuri a bit of time. Lovebirds can have minds of their own but they are also very smart and you will make the connection with him. I think you've made huge strides since they came to live with you and that's a wonderful thing!

08-22-2014, 06:36 PM
recently my tame lovebird rudy has developed a fear of my manicured nails. i have changed colors for him thinking i has something too loud or bright. that has not helped nor has shortening them i hate to give up having my nails done but his fear saddens me. none of my other pet lovebirds have an issue like this. any other ladies out there have this problem, or know of a solution short of having no nails!

08-22-2014, 07:28 PM
One time I painted my nails and Bailey was totally not okay with it. Unfortunately, there was no adjusting really and now I mostly keep my nails unpainted or painted a faint natural shade. Maybe Rudy will adjust after a few days :)

08-22-2014, 07:57 PM
this has been going on for a while. i fear he will not adjust. i am trying tamer nail polishes, perhaps that will help. my manicures are ond of myfew pleasues, but i feel guilty getting them now. dorothy

08-23-2014, 11:35 AM
Give Hikuri a bit of time. Lovebirds can have minds of their own but they are also very smart and you will make the connection with him. I think you've made huge strides since they came to live with you and that's a wonderful thing!

The thing is I can't find out his favorite treat yet ;)

08-23-2014, 11:37 AM
this has been going on for a while. i fear he will not adjust. i am trying tamer nail polishes, perhaps that will help. my manicures are ond of myfew pleasues, but i feel guilty getting them now. dorothy

Could it be that the smell of it bother him and not the color?

08-23-2014, 03:50 PM
no, i have gotten rid of the smell after a day or so. he will come out and hang with me,just won't step on my fingers anymore or let me scratch his head. just is now afraid of the nails and nothing bad ever happened with my hands, he just developed a fear of the nails. the only thing i did different that i can think of is i changed the shape of them. dorothy

11-24-2014, 10:09 AM
So observing Hikuri's behavior daily. I noticed that some days it gets more aggressive than others but usually it's out of possessiveness.

If there's anything, like a plastic cup or a box that's big enough for Hikuri to get in. It starts making these cute whistles and sometimes grunts and it becomes extremely aggressive and attacks anyone that comes close.

So I came to a conclusion that Hikuri is a girl 😊

http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h101/Reptilecacti/imagejpg1-3.jpg (http://s62.photobucket.com/user/Reptilecacti/media/imagejpg1-3.jpg.html)

11-24-2014, 12:22 PM
I would have to agree with your conclusion that Hikuri is most likely a female! :) Once she has claimed her territory, it's HERS and is not open to sharing! Attempt to invade her space and you will find out in no uncertain terms you are not welcome......... :rofl: About all you can do is protect those all too vulnerable human body parts that are likely to become the target of her aggression.

Gotta luv 'em!

11-24-2014, 08:43 PM
Philocacti, you have adorable birds! The video of the two of them playing is just priceless!

It's so sad what happened to your lovie but you shouldn't blame yourself. Lovies are such curious little guys that they get themselves into trouble and in a blink of an eye too!

Thanks for sharing your pictures, videos and stories...very sweet :)

11-25-2014, 09:29 AM
Attempt to invade her space and you will find out in no uncertain terms you are not welcome......... :rofl: About all you can do is protect those all too vulnerable human body parts that are likely to become the target of her aggression.

Gotta luv 'em!

Hahahahaha the problem is she is trying to claim the whole house as her space :)

She has bonded with me to a new level since the weather got colder. She like me to rub her head and cheeks and lays on her back in my hand :) but in a blink of an eye she sometimes bites real hard.

Thanks a lot Maxie, I appreciate your kind words :)

11-25-2014, 11:23 AM
the problem is she is trying to claim the whole house as her space
Wild birds claim large spaces of territory where they live and it can also happen with captive kept birds! They are not domesticated like cats or dogs and we get surprises by what is "natural" for them. My Amazon has claimed the living room/dining room area as hers and she's OK sharing with all but my male Military Macaw! If I bring him into "her" space and she's fully flighted, she will go right after him! If I happen to be in the way, oh well........:omg: With birds, territory is instinctive so we simply have to learn how to deal with it. :)

12-14-2014, 11:47 PM

Here's a video of Hikuri being protective around a big plastic cup. With a cute whistle she makes when in an protective mode and a few grunts.


01-19-2015, 10:51 PM
This is today :)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/Fanouz/imagejpg1-1.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/Fanouz/media/imagejpg1-1.jpg.html)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/Fanouz/imagejpg2.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/Fanouz/media/imagejpg2.jpg.html)

It even went on my hand and nibbled on my finger but it didn't stay that long as it still doesn't trust me at all

At least it went on your hand. I've had my babies for over a year and they still hide under the food dish when I get too close to the cage. (I get close anyway, but I try to avoid stressing them out.)

02-17-2015, 10:41 AM
At least it went on your hand. I've had my babies for over a year and they still hide under the food dish when I get too close to the cage. (I get close anyway, but I try to avoid stressing them out.)

Sorry for the late reply.

Yeah, now I can't get her off of me :D
I can't use my phone around her cuz she keeps hopping on the screen and her amputated foot acts as a finger.

From what I understand you have more than one bird which makes it more difficult to tame.
I hope they'll trus you soon :)

08-06-2015, 03:48 AM
An update about Hikuri.

She's driving me nuts :)

One second she's in love with me and the other second she's territorial and attacking me. Somehow I feel I'm married :D
