View Full Version : Taming and color of clothes

06-02-2014, 04:20 AM
So I read, some time ago, that birds are more comfortable with some colors and other colors means danger.

So I wanted to ask which colors are lovebirds more comfortable with and which ones mean danger?

I believe the color of clothes could affect how fast a new lovebird would trust it's "new human".


06-02-2014, 06:11 AM
The work of Dr. Irene Pepperberg with Alex the Grey proved that parrots see in color. You are correct that some colors are taken better than others but, from my own personal experience, color preferences can/will vary from parrot to parrot. The color most often distrusted is red. Prints can produce the same reaction but it just depends. I've found that soft colors are usually more easily accepted, especially blue and green.

06-02-2014, 06:17 AM
Thanks a lot Linda :)

Now I'll take my red pants off and start a new taming session :D

06-02-2014, 07:58 AM
Hey, you may have one of those lovies that has no color preference but you only find out by trial and error. What works for my flock may or may not work for yours. :) Let us know how it's going!

06-02-2014, 08:16 AM

I'm just trying to speed things up as I'm dying to play with it

What I noticed so far, after a week at my house it starting to get naughty and playful. 1st week it was very scared and shy. It stood on my hands a few times but somehow I felt it got disgusted of the touch of the soft flesh (compared to its wooden perches)

It's way more comfortable with me while it's out of the cage than with my hand in its cage.
Yesterday I shaved my big goaty and mustache, and I feel my new look confused it a bit, so we're 2 steps back.

06-02-2014, 08:39 AM
You have to remember that the cage is her/his home and your hand is viewed as an intruder. Think how you would feel in the same position if something strange came into where you live!

Parrots perceive things differently. Some recognize us by sight, others by sound (what our voices sound like). Taking away the mustasche changed your appearance so he/she needs to readjust. Should not be a huge setback. :)

06-02-2014, 12:32 PM
Both of my lovebirds have an aversion to the color red. They also hate nail polish, of any color. Bailey even hates a pink-red. Or even just straight up pink. She doesn't seem afraid, necessarily, but almost like the colour offends her, haha! :rofl:

06-02-2014, 09:48 PM
Hahahaha so I'll avoid wearing red until we become friends, maybe then I'll convince this little guy that red isn't that bad ;)