View Full Version : Small bird in a small box

06-07-2014, 06:22 PM
so a few months ago a friend told my mother that a friend of hers had a love bird that he wanted to get rid of ASAP. I thought I would take her with the intention of giving her to a friend of mine. my mother went to pick her up, when she got there the guy carelessly handed her a small shoe box. Inside was a small four month old terrified Dutch Blue lovebird. needless to say when I saw her I fell in love with her. I decided to make her my class pet. Now 3 months later she is healthy and happy, and while she is the best class pet, she is not the ideal pet for me. In the classroom she is awesome. the kids pick her up and pet her she actually flies down to the floor during playtime to be with the kids. It seems it is just me she hates. She runs from me if I try to pick her up, she bites me and shrieks at me. Despite all this I take her out everyday and try to play with her I even take her home on the weekends make sure I spend time with her then. I try to bribe her with treats that she will not eat, but she eats out of the childrens hands. I can get her to perch on my finger and step up 2 or 3 times before she bites me then flaps to the floor and runs away.
What can I do to make her like me?

06-07-2014, 09:51 PM
Having mentioned you take her on the weekends, where is it that you leave her during the week? .. For starters, lovebirds generally have strong personalities or preferences. For instance, some only prefer women over men, children over adults, hence the variants go on and on. Also, she, or he, being yet a juvenile of sorts, and having not enough time to form a bond with anyone or another lovebird because she's been recently separated from her family, might also be scared, skiddish, and or confused as to where her position is within the flock. .. Complex as this may be, as for her biting you, this is not hate, but a normal response towards her ever changing surroundings. Try not to look at it in terms of "how can I make her like me?", but rather, how can you better understand why lovebirds act the way they do.

06-08-2014, 12:46 AM
She stays in my classroom during the week. I am there from 9-6 then I go home. Because of the largness of her cage I do not transport her daily

06-08-2014, 10:07 AM
She stays in my classroom during the week. I am there from 9-6 then I go home. Because of the largness of her cage I do not transport her daily

Aside from any typical lovebird behavior, her biting you may be due in part to the lack of contact with you. I also have some concern as to whether there's anyone to check on her during the times your not there. What about weekends? .. Quite honestly, there's little way to generalize why it is she's only targeting you. Could be your size or stature, or even your hairdo. Suffice to say, I really think your best option is to familiarize yourself with lovebird care and behavior by reading through our forums, then proceed to work with her from there. .. Other concerns, is that if in fact she is a female, as she's soon to be fully mature she may become more protective of her surroundings. For that I would be especially careful around children. Understand too, we highly recommend birds not remain on a floor as its too easy to get stepped on. .. Have you considered clipping her wings?

06-08-2014, 04:55 PM
I take her home every Friday evening and we return Monday. I am with her from 9am to 6 every weekday. And when I leave our Maintenance man has strict instructions on what cleaning supplies he can and cannot use when she is there. I would never leave her on the weekend, I interact with her daily. And yes her wings are clipped.

06-08-2014, 05:31 PM
I take her home every Friday evening and we return Monday. I am with her from 9am to 6 every weekday. And when I leave our Maintenance man has strict instructions on what cleaning supplies he can and cannot use when she is there. I would never leave her on the weekend, I interact with her daily. And yes her wings are clipped.

I understand you mentioned weekends in your OP, but I was really trying to figure out your routine with her. So does 'bird in the box' have a name yet? :).. You know to me, the time your spending with her would seem ample enough to at least build some trust, but as most of us here have found, that can take plenty time and patience. Add to it she's moving from one location to another, which for some parrots, lacks just enough familiarity and consistency that it tends to keep them on edge. At any rate, I think your doing an excellent job as a fidparent. May I also ask.... Are you new to parrots?

06-08-2014, 05:58 PM
Her name is Persephone. Basically from 9 to 6 weekdays her and I are in my classroom, her cage is open and she goes wherever she pleases. Friday I take her home with me and she spends time in our apartment, I have finches which she loves to interact with and a cat that stays away from all the birds when possible. My dad had a parrot who lived with us until I was 13. Mostly I was afraid of him though until his last years.

06-08-2014, 06:05 PM
She does sit on my shoulder if I put her there, but doesn't always want to get off. She starts on my finger but that doesn't last long. But she is happy to sit on one of my students finger and let the other student stroke her back and head, she even eats out of their hands.

06-08-2014, 07:38 PM
Welcome Ezrielle and Persephone to Lovebirdsplus Community. .. :)

06-08-2014, 11:32 PM
Welcome Ezrielle! I think your situation sounds perfectly okay to me. It sounds like you put in a significant amount of time with her, and you've done mostly all you can. I would just continue to try, just keep doing what you're doing. Try to have her out and about with you, try feeding her. Have you noticed whether or not she is more okay with you handling her when the children are not present? Some birds just develop preferences. Like their own tiny personalities. My own lovebird, for instance will eat out of my hand, allow me to pet her entire body, lay on her back in my palm, etc. However, if my boyfriend's fingers come anywhere near her, she's vicious. It's possible that she just simply prefers their company to yours. This can certainly change, though! Whether it does or does not, Persephone sounds like she's a healthy, happy lovie and she has a good home with you. I would enjoy her in whatever way she prefers! :) Good luck!

06-09-2014, 11:11 AM
Thanks everyone

06-09-2014, 11:19 AM
Also! I'm not sure what part of the world you're from, but are you getting ready for summer vacation? Will Persephone spend the whole summer at your home?

06-09-2014, 12:28 PM
Actually I work most of the summer, but she will be with me on my vacation. I teach preschool in california, and we are year round. As I am typing, her majesty is sitting on a 3 years olds head to the delight of all.

06-09-2014, 12:30 PM
How do I add pictures here

06-09-2014, 12:35 PM

06-09-2014, 02:20 PM

Thank you for sharing! .......:)

06-09-2014, 07:44 PM
That's really sweet :)

06-09-2014, 09:56 PM
Very cute! She looks almost identical to my Bailey :) Good luck with Persephone, she's still very young and it's definitely possible (and even likely) that in time she will grow to become more comfortable with you. Don't be discouraged! She looks so happy :)