View Full Version : Assistance Required

06-08-2014, 12:55 PM
Hi Guys, I recently bought an untamed lovebird from the local petstore (tried to go through a breeder, couldn't find one that wasn't a 4 hour drive away) I've had him/her for about 2 weeks. If you put your finger through the cage she'll immediately come attack it, unless you're holding a seed, she'll eat the seed and go back to being viscous. Which fine, she's territorial about the cage.

She's flighted right now, and she's an amazing flier for her age (14 weeks approx) But i've been considering clipping them, just so she won't fly up into my skylight or the windows or the stupid glass partition built into a wall between my living room and kitchen. Would that help the aggression?

Also. What colour is she? She's going more blue than green, any ideas what she'll look like all growed up [URL="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.871238336229241.1073741835.100000292494627&type=1&l=fe8a929ae5"[/URL]

06-09-2014, 07:34 PM
Hi there,

Congratulations on your new lovie...she's beautiful!!!

Don't get discouraged. You've only had her for two weeks. It's going to take a while before she trusts you completely. Be REALLY patient. When I got my lovebird just over 6 months ago, he would freak when I put my hand in the cage. I thought he'd never be tame and now he's a little angel. Of course he has a little mind of his own and can be stubborn, which is really cute but when he's in his affectionate mood, it's adorable.
The best thing to do is to do things at her pace. Don't push her to do anything she doesn't want. Talk to her, keep her cage close to you as much as you can and you'll see how she'll come around.

Read through the posts on training...there's a lot of great info.

Good luck, have fun and don't forget to let your birdie be a birdie :)

06-10-2014, 03:59 AM
I think this aggression can be used to your advantage. You're already ahead by handfeeding him. I think if you keep on offering him seeds with you hands consistently you'll win him over quickly.

My baby just started to explore me and he's OK with most of me, except my fingers. Everything I point my finger to him he'll get very aggressive and keeps on biting it. He even refuses to take seeds from it. So you have an advantage.