View Full Version : Max had a little accident today :(

06-11-2014, 08:25 PM
Max loves flying/jumping from frame to frame on one of my bedroom dressers, flapping his wings like crazy in the mirror screaming out what I call his "jungle call". I always put away the ones that I think are dangerous for him and let him continue his playing. Well, today, being the monkey that he is, he was hanging from his beak off the back of one of the 5x7 plastic frames (not too heavy) and his 51 grams of weight tipped it over and it fell flat on his back! :omg:

He crawled out right away but he just sat on the dresser kinda hunched over for a bit in shock with what just happened. After that, he was pretty quiet, came to my hand and sat quietly. Of course I kissed his boo boo better and he was just staring at me as if he was about to start balling. :(

The rest of the day, he flew around a bit but wanted to stay in my hand a lot. He ate very well as he usually does but was not the usual "you can't catch me" bird he usually is.

Could he have some sort of concussion? Is there something I should be watching for in terms of injury symptoms?

06-12-2014, 08:37 PM
Poor Max. :( I'm glad that you handled it calmly though.

I'm not an expert, but I'd say.. make sure Max isn't constantly on the bottom of his cage instead of up on a perch or something. Some birds may seem a little weak or tired, and they might tilt their heads sometimes.

If this happens, or if you're just really worried, move Max to a more secluded area and contact the vet. Keep us updated. :)

06-12-2014, 08:55 PM
sometimes lovebirds get freaked out for awhile and will act like max is doing, then be fine the next day. but I would watch max closely for any signs of something being amiss just to be on the safe side. look for different behavior then usual and trust your gut instinct if you feel something isn't normal and take him to the vet immediately in that case.he came to you afterwards because you are his caregiver and he was looking for reassurance and love. this will help you to evaluate him about this. you know him well, so you should be able to tell if anything is wrong. birds can hide things but if you are vigilant you should spot anything. and I would watch for more then a day. I find it better to be a little overboard then to be laidback, just to be on the safe side.Dorothy

06-13-2014, 08:45 AM
Max is back to his normal little troublemaker self :happy: Thank God :)

Thank you for your replies :)