View Full Version : Introducing a New Bird To Your Current Bird?

06-15-2014, 11:39 PM
So I have decided my little Turkey needs a friend due to my change in work schedule leaving him unhappy with the lack of attention.
Turkey was DNA sexed male and I would want another male as I don't want babies and I heard that 2 male birds can get on quite well.
However I really only want a second bird if they can be great friends and live together. I'm not sure how best to facilitate this.
Do I go to a breeder and say 'hey I want a friend for my bird, if I buy one of yours and they don't get along can I return it?' Or how does one do that.
How does one introduce the 2 birds. I do have another cage that I could set up beside my current guys cage so they could see each other but not interact in the confines of a cage for a week or 2 if that would help. Any tips?

06-16-2014, 02:00 AM
Hmm, while I understand why you want to introduce a new lovebird, it's also a little difficult sometimes. It'll take a lot of work, which might be difficult if you're busy. I'll tell you a little about it, and at least you'll have warning. :)

Sometimes, lovebirds will instantly click. Other times.. not so much. After putting the new bird in quarantine (if you do a search on this, you'll find more information about it), use your extra cage to house your new bird. Put them side by side so they can see each other. Then, after they've been looking at each other for a few weeks, you can let them out away from their cages (so they don't get territorial) and watch them interact. If anything happens, be sure that you can separate them immediately. If they seem okay, you can let them play.

I'm not sure what happens from there though, so I'll step back and let others chime in. :)

06-16-2014, 04:19 AM
since I breed lovebirds and also own them as pets I'll chime in for what ever it is worth. before you even go to the next step of acquiring a bird you need to be clear on your expectations. Will you still be handling your original lovebird or letting him bond to a companion? if you still want to handle him, are you going to also handle the new bird? Will you have time to do both? Will you be happy with them bonding and leaving you out of the picture possibly? so you must decide this first. if you still want another bird I would say try to find a good breeder who offers DNA sexing if necessary. as to returning the bird that could be an issue. first because some breeders will not take a bird back at all. but you will have the additional situation where you have a two month quarantine, then introductory period of side by side cages, and then a period of adjustment when putting them together. that may be too long for a breeder to say yes they'll take the bird back. also while males do usually get along, they can over a course of time have problems and have to be separated, a friend of mine had to do this with her two males who had been together since birth. while it is less likely it can happen you should keep the second cage just in case they need to live side by side. you may find a nice breeder, who will take the bird back, you may not. anyways if you have any more questions I would be happy to answer them. Dorothy