View Full Version : Thunderstorms...

06-26-2014, 01:31 PM
How do your birds react to thunderstorms? Ditto loves them. He loves to look out the window and watch the lightening. I think if I'd let him he'd go outside and play in the puddles with the lightning flashing all around him.

We had a nasty one come through last night and he watched it out the window for a good little while.

A few years ago we were watching it through the screen door and it started raining in and he fluffed up, spread his wings and enjoyed the shower. :rofl: I tried to step back and close the door but he soomed off my shoulder, hung on the screen and wouldn't budge until he decided he (and the kitchen) were wet enough! >:>:>:

By the way, it's a waste of time to try and pry a lovebird off a metal screen. Not gonna happen.

06-26-2014, 01:55 PM
Thunderstorms are noise as far as my flock is concerned and noise begets more noise! During the summer months, we generally get a least one storm every day of the week but lately those storms have been pretty rough! Depending on what time of the day the storm goes through, I've taken either Harley, Alex or Dao outside on my screened in lanai and the water gets them in bath mode. I have to be careful because of the pool and all my guys are fully flighted. I've pulled Dao out of the water more than once and he's not a happy camper to get wet quite that way!

My chickens, on the other hand, only want to come inside and get out of the rain! I can agree from first hand experience regarding prying a parrot off of a screen! It can be done but screening will come with the parrot. They just don't let go! :rotfl

06-26-2014, 01:59 PM
Yeah, those little lovebird claws fit right through the screen so either his feet come off or the screen does!:omg:

That storm last night had the whole house shaking. Ditto doesn't make noise but he loves to watch when he's out of the cage. When he's in the cage he'll just keep on playing, eating or sleeping. Unless he can hear the rain, then it's into the water dish.

Snow on the other hand is evil and he doesn't even want to look at it out the window.

06-26-2014, 02:06 PM
We had a bad storm last week...tornado warning too. It went from daylight to almost pitch dark in less than 5 minutes. Max looked confused...lol...he thought it was bedtime and he hopped to his "bedtime perch". Needlesstosay, I grabbed his cage and ran down to the basement until the storm passed. Can't take a chance when there are tornado warnings in effect :omg:

I always get worried when we have a thunderstorm at night. I get up and flick a light on downstairs just in case Max gets scared.

06-26-2014, 02:12 PM
Snow on the other hand is evil and he doesn't even want to look at it out the window.
Can't say I have experience with this in my area of Florida, however, video footage of what happens here should it snow would be interesting to say the least! Formerly living in NJ, I had more than my share of snow and, while it's pretty, driving in it was less than a pleasant experience, not because I didn't know how to do it but because all the other nuts on the road who thought they were invincible and couldn't have accidents...... :omg:

06-26-2014, 02:16 PM
Can't say I have experience with this in my area of Florida, however, video footage of what happens here should it snow would be interesting to say the least! Formerly living in NJ, I had more than my share of snow and, while it's pretty, driving in it was less than a pleasant experience, not because I didn't know how to do it but because all the other nuts on the road who thought they were invincible and couldn't have accidents...... :omg:

And it's usually the people with 4 wheel drive causing the problems. I can't tell you how many of them I've passed in my Camaro's while they were sitting in ditches facing the wrong way.

Ditto says it doesn't snow in Africa so I don't want to see it here either! :rofl:

06-26-2014, 02:52 PM
And it's usually the people with 4 wheel drive causing the problems.
You got that one right! It's not the snow that's the problem for me when I drive in it! It's all the other idiots that think they can drive normal speed in abnormal road conditions. Take your time and you will get there!

We have tornados, as well as water spouts and they scare me, too! Our weather radar is pretty sophisticated here and they can tell you almost minute by minute where the tornado is and where it's headed. Problem is that they move fast and there's almost no time to react. Yup. Daylight to night in a heartbeat.

06-26-2014, 04:37 PM
You got that one right! It's not the snow that's the problem for me when I drive in it! It's all the other idiots that think they can drive normal speed in abnormal road conditions. Take your time and you will get there!

We have tornados, as well as water spouts and they scare me, too! Our weather radar is pretty sophisticated here and they can tell you almost minute by minute where the tornado is and where it's headed. Problem is that they move fast and there's almost no time to react. Yup. Daylight to night in a heartbeat.

Obviously we dont' get water spouts here but some nasty tornados come through occasionally.
And Sandy wasn't any fun.

I'll stick with snow.

06-27-2014, 05:46 AM
Lacey isn't a big fan of thunderstorms. She will either be glued to me or sometimes hunker down in her cage. Doesn't like sitting in the window when its raining hard, but light rain is ok. She doesn't mind the snow tho, will sit in the window and watch the flakes. Maybe because she was born in the winter? :)