View Full Version : Six Velociraptors from ****

06-29-2014, 07:41 PM
Hello, my name is Simon. I have joined your community in the hope I can get some help from a situation that seems like a dead man digging his own grave. I suffer from mental disorders, one being bipolar, and it makes you impulsive. My mental health workers told me many times to get a pet, as a pet is supposed to help with mental illness, something to look after something to care for. I live in a block of flats, so dogs and cats were out of the question. I did not want a hamster and for some reason I was walking passed a pet shop saw these lovely cute lovebirds and thought I will get a pair of them. This is a long story so I hope there is enough room, I was told LB's needs plenty of space to fly around, and I could not find a decent cage. So the pet owner said to me I could have their huge cage (they seemed decent people in a nice pet shop) they had in the front of the store, for a cheap price on one proviso, I took the spare bird. If I knew them what I know now, I would have said no way, but she said the poor thing would get all depressed and she said she was giving me the cage for a literally half price and the extra bird free. I thought OK. I was quite excited, I had read up on the birds and checked with my neighbours saying I had them coming and they might make a little bit of noise and they were OK about it.
The birds arrived and immediately started squawking and making that sound that like someone scrapping their hands down a black board. They were terrified, they would not go near me and if I tried doing the examples given in the books, or on the web, to make them trust me, they just squawked at me even more. Over time, they started to calm down, but then the problems started, the spare Romulus, just started to sit and stare at the coupled pair and pine, like a dog that had lost his master, it was so sad to watch I was heartbroken. On top of that, I cannot get them to eat anything fresh, like veg or fruit, they will not touch it in fact they hardly eat anything. I then made it my mission to find Romulus a mate, and after a month of searching I found one, a man had five young birds dark ones with red beaks. I said I could only afford one but he did a deal and I ended up with three. So now, I have six lovebirds, the white female the one who dominated the two males was the least happy at her new houseguests, and goes around trying to bite the feet of the poor little things, they are only 3 months old. The white female (I just call her White and her male Red) though with Red, used to tease the other one Romulus, to distraction; let us say she was not faithful to Red, and had liaisons with Romulus when I let then out of the cage. Lovebirds may couple for life, but they mate with any bird.
Now to begin with it was three against three, as they had a mini battle of Britain around the cage. The guy I bought them off, said as long as they were not nesting, lovebirds get on with each other, I must have stupid naive fool written across my forehead. I am sure you are all laughing by now at my idiocy.

Anyway already two of the younger birds are starting to look like they will couple, and Romulus is like some dork on a dance floor not doing anything. He is still fawning after the big white female, and to be honest they are confusing the **** out of me, I have read two lovebird books and they are nothing like how they are described in the books. I know I am a naive fool, and I do not know what to do. I have tried everything to please the birds; they have lots of toys and swings, springy things, and other things lovebirds like, but as soon as I put my hand in the cage the fly away as quickly as possible. Yes, I know I have been a naive fool and it is still early days, the birds have only been with me a month and the other three since Saturday, but I was in a serious cycle accident and the strong painkillers are meaning I can hardly stay awake, which is making it harder on me at the moment. They are easy to look after food and water wise, I change it twice a day, though they never seem to eat any of their food I’ve tried to slip in apples, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, you name it they won’t touch any of it. I was hoping Romulus would couple with one of the new birds, but he is not making any effort at all. I feel like a total failure. Help please.

06-30-2014, 09:56 AM
Hi Simon and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you with us and hope we can provide the information you need to make the perfect human lovebird slave!

First of all. You are NOT a failure. You just need a bit of guidance on what to expect from your newly found flock. :) Each of us was a beginner at some point and had to start at the beginning, well.

Parrots (lovebirds) learn to trust by experience. There are no shortcuts. It just takes love, kindness and tons of patience. Put yourself in their position. They are in a new home, strange location, and don't know that you don't intend to eat them for breakfast! You know you won't hurt them but they need to learn to trust you. The best thing you can do right now is just sit by their cage and talk quietly to them. Eat meals near them so they can see what you are doing. Just be yourself and let them come to you. Trust me. Lovebirds are naturally curious and at some point, you will catch their attention and they will have to check you out. They are social eaters, so you will find them eating when you eat. This takes time and it can take more time with some birds than it does with others. I have a Congo African Grey parrot who has been with me since 1991 and she still does not like to be touched. Some birds are just that way and we have to accept them as they are. You're a good person to have taken all these lovebirds into your home so don't sell yourself short. :) :)

As for their interactions with each other, keep in mind that they are learning about each other, too. Since you have 6 of them, I would have at least 3-4 food dishes and 2-4 water dishes in various places within the cage. Try to keep these dishes at the same level, just scattered around so there's space for everyone.

06-30-2014, 10:54 AM
Thanks for your kind words, I was just worried I'd taken on too much and not realised it, the dominant white female is not happy at all, but the three, 3 month old emerald greens with red beaks are so quiet nice compared to the older ones, they sit together minding their own business, then the white jumps in like a big bully, deliberately spoiling anything they do.
Thanks for replying I really appreciate it.:)

06-30-2014, 12:56 PM
Word of caution. Be very careful with the youngsters in the same flight cage with the older, mature ones. You may want to think about a smaller cage just for the younger ones so that they are safe. Something along the size of 24" x 24" x 24" would be fine for now. That's roughly 2' square but rectangular long might be better. Sounds like you have Peachfaces in with either Masks or Fischer's and both of those species tend to be much more quiet.

Do you have any photos you can share with us so we can see what your lovebirds look like? The ones with red beaks are definitely eye-ring species (Masks or Fischer's), as Peachfaced don't have red beaks.

06-30-2014, 09:43 PM
Thanks for replying, but I was in a serious cycle accident and a cast on one arm, with a broken collarbone and it is not easy to manoeuvre the birds for photos, they tend to come out blurred. I will try to take a photo today. They are lovely little birds. The problem is; the problem I tried to solve has been exacerbated, by the fact the lone bird Romulus, he is green with white plumage, and blue under feathers and I think his brother same only red plumage, want the same female, the big white and cream dominant bird. Romulus still pines after her and still sits and stares at them when Red and White are together (sorry not good with names gets too confusing). The only one I name is Romulus because he is separate from the pack. Funnily enough, they were all getting on pretty well yesterday, I know I should not laugh but seeing them running around the bottom of the cage chasing each other is like an old black and white movie.
I thought getting the new red beaks would stop Romulus from pinning and he would couple with one of them, but it has not worked so far. The little red beaks are so nice and quiet and still seem a bit frightened and overawed by the whole moving experience. They do not seem so bothered by Whites posturing now though, they are much quicker than she is and just move away when she comes near them. One thing that has improved is there is less noise in the last couple of days, not so much screeching from Romulus and Red.

07-02-2014, 04:05 PM
Sorry the pictures are not too good but I haven't mastered taking photos witha cast on yes and my phone isn't great.https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8349554002276949040#editor/target=post;postID=2905883040905234283

I hope this works I've just added them to my blog site if you cannot see them.
