View Full Version : Eggs!

10-31-2005, 07:11 AM
I introduced myself and my little female lovebird last month. We are having a problem with Kiwi so I was hoping to get some opinions. Please bare with me if this is a common question. I have a shoulder injury which makes sitting at the computer searching for info difficult right now! (It also makes checking all my boards and playing Snood difficult too! :D )
Anyway, Kiwi is a little female lovie, it'll be three years since we got her, this spring! We thought she was a boy, so imagine our shock when the first egg appeared. She laid about 5 eggs, a 2 years ago, and never another egg since, until now. Last time she broke the egss tryig to stuff them under her food dish, and she has broken her first egg this time as well.
So the question is, even though she lives alone no hope of these eggs hatching, I have read to allow her to keep them so she won't keep laying. Since she breaks them, they have to be removed, should she have some type of nesting material she can hide the eggs in so they don't break? If yes, what type of nesting material should I give her, and how long do I leave the eggs.

10-31-2005, 07:58 AM
Lynne, somebody with real hen experience will help you out here (I only have males) but I'm pretty sure it would be best to offer her a nest box with nesting material. Obviously, she is not a chronic layer if this is only her second clutch in 2 years so she's just doing what nature expects her to do. As far as how long to leave them, I'll defer to the egg experts. Good luck!

10-31-2005, 08:09 AM
Hi Lynne,

You should give Kiwi a nestbox of sorts. You can use a regular nest box, or you can give her a kleenex box to use. Take out the plastic, modify the top just a bit, and put some carefesh or aspen bedding inside. Then give Kiwi some paper so that she can modify it to her liking. This will allow her to complete her nesting cycle without the stress of breaking her eggies.

I hope all goes well. Keep us updated on her condition as your shoulder allows.

10-31-2005, 08:31 AM
Hi Lynne;

Kleenex boxes are what I have used for a single hen, but do make sure it's from unscented tissue. Like Lori said, remove the plastic. Kiwi will continue to modify the box herself, which is okay.

For bedding, you can give her Carefresh, Aspen, or even paper towel or newspaper, ripped up. Since the eggs won't be viable, you don't really need to worry about the nesting material as much as you would if chicks could possibly hatch out. Move the eggs into the nestbox with Kiwi out of the cage -- she will find them there and appreciate having a real nest.

Good luck! :)