View Full Version : Interesting personality differences between the two new boys.

07-15-2014, 12:34 PM
All my lovies have been such individuals but it's my first time being able to watch a pair just be birdy buddies.

Nanamua is the smaller, active one, usually hopping around the cage and nibbling on the toys. Nanahope tends to stay put more, but hogs the perch closest to window and makes Nanahope climb around or sit on his far side. 9 times out of 10, the "that hurts" squeak comes from Nanamua being push out of the way so Nanahope can sit and see the window.

When the cage door opens, Nanamua is always the first one out. Nanahope will follow, but will start to edge back toward the cage if we get too close. We plunk them down on the bed and roll some chewy toys toward them and Nanamua will immediately start chewing and playing with them. Nanahope, after determining we aren't trying to grab him, will just sit in one spot and maybe start preening. He is not an explorer. He will move closer to Nanamua if Nanamua moves away while playing.

Yesterday I had Nanamua in the bedroom with the door shut and Nanahope in the cage in the living room and while they called to each other, Nanamua was willing to step up and tolerates being kissed. I haven't tried it with Nanahope, but I think it would be scary for him as he doesn't like hands at all.

So far, neither boy is biter. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

07-15-2014, 12:39 PM
Parrots all have such different personalities and it never ceases to amaze me! Smart, too! My 3 Greys all get along most of the time, yet their personalities go from friendly as long as you don't touch to wanting to follow me all over the place! All you can do is accept them for who they are and love them!

07-16-2014, 01:31 AM
So true! My husband was asking me how long it would take for them to be like Sunny and I said "I dunno! I've never had to do two at once and they have each other, they don't need us!"

With Sunny, I think 2 weeks in she was already interacting and playing with us. The other differences are neat, too. Nanamua looks so much like Sunny, but is much braver exploring-wise than Sunny was when she first was brought home. I forgot what it was like to have non-flighted birdies. Nanahope looks a lot like our my first "Peachy" except Nanahope has the roundest head and the biggest, roundest eyes I've ever seen on a peach face. My husband says it's cute but weird/disturbing. :rotfl