View Full Version : Thunderstorm Freak out

07-16-2014, 10:54 PM
A couple nights ago we had thunderstorm move in, and my poor little lovies freaked out. Now,we've had thunderstorms before, and this one wasn't that bad. They've never had this bad of a reaction before. Before they'd just sleep through the storm. I don't know why it was so bad this time. Can anyone give me some insight?

07-16-2014, 11:44 PM
Hard to say why their reaction was worse this time when the storm wasn't as bad but many animals sense things that we humans don't. It's possible that they felt this storm was potentially more dangerous.

07-17-2014, 07:24 AM
many animals sense things that we humans don't

Too True, Linda! I live in metro Boston and was in my living room watching TV one evening, and all of a sudden the birds got CRAZY loud.:confused::confused: About 15-20 seconds later I felt a very small earthquake. :omg::omg:

At first I wasn't sure if that was what I felt, as in my part of the country these things are not very common - but sure enough within a few minutes the news broke into the programming to report it! Animals just know these things, and it would be great if we could somehow harness that knowledge into an early warning system for us dumb humans. :rofl::rofl:

07-17-2014, 07:53 AM
I've learned, after many years of living with animals of all kinds, that I need to pay attention to their behaviors. They can be early warning systems if we pay attention. I've noticed that when it's going to rain here, my chickens can be found by the back outside door to my garage, waiting to come in so they don't get too wet. A light rain is one thing, but I know what's going to happen soon when they suddenly want inside.

07-17-2014, 09:11 AM
I've learned, after many years of living with animals of all kinds, that I need to pay attention to their behaviors. They can be early warning systems if we pay attention. I've noticed that when it's going to rain here, my chickens can be found by the back outside door to my garage, waiting to come in so they don't get too wet. A light rain is one thing, but I know what's going to happen soon when they suddenly want inside.

Ditto is the opposite of your chickens. If it's going to rain he looks toward the windows and fluffs up like he wants to go out and get wet, then he takes a bath .:rofl:

He usually loves thunderstorms and watches the lightning but we had a nasty one a few days ago and lightning struck very close to the house. the thunder actually vibrated the couch. He was in my hand snuggling at the time and when that thunder rumbled the house he stood up tall and got ready to bolt back to the cage if it happened again. Fortunately it didn't do it again and he went back to begging for scritches.